18 • It's a...

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Scott's pov:

I hear a loud knock on the front door. Who would it be at 8:30 at night?

"I'll get it, mom!" I yell.

I swing the door open to find the person I least expected to be standing on my front porch.

"Stiles?" I ask in shock.

"Sorry about showing up uninvited so late, but can we talk?"

"Um... Sure. Outside."

I step out, and the cool March air sends shivers down my spine. I rub my hands along my bare arms, and stare back at my best friend.

"So, I know I've been a real ass for the past two or three weeks. After... The news, I was furious, but you already know that. I've been thinking a lot, and I really don't know why I got so worked up. It wasn't worth losing three of the most important people in my life over. I understand if you don't forgive me, I wouldn't either, but I am beyond sorry. I'm truly happy for you and Allison. I mean it." He says.

"Of course I forgive you. I'm sorry too. I did some things that I regret, and I should have told you sooner."

"That's okay. I deserved it. So, we're good?"

"We're good." I pull him into a hug.

"Well, now I have to call Allison and Lydia. Wish me luck."

"Good luck!"

He smiles, and makes his way down the path, and then the driveway, getting in his beloved Jeep.

I enter the house, and shut the door behind me.

"Who was it?" My mom asks.

"Stiles. He was apologizing for his reaction."

"Well that's nice. I'm glad you two are on good terms again. You're mean without him." She jokes.

I laugh, and make my way upstairs.

Allison's pov
~17 weeks pregnant~

"It's nice to see all of you again." Doctor Lawrence smiles as she enters the room.

"Are you planning on learning the sex of the baby today? As long as the baby isn't turned away, I should be able to see today." She asks.

"Yes, that'd be amazing! We can't wait any longer." I laugh.

"Alright, let's get started."

As usual, Scott and Lydia hold both of my hands, and Melissa stands back. Today, Stiles decided to tag along, so he stays back too.

After a few minutes, she looks over at us.

"Ready?" She asks.

We all nod.

"It's a girl!"

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaim.

Scott kisses me, and I look over to Lydia, who's jumping up and down.

"You're having a girl! This is crazy!" Lydia shrieks. "I'm so excited!"

I look back to find Stiles and Melissa smiling excitedly.

"Congratulations." Doctor Lawrence says, passing us a picture of the ultrasound.

"Thank you." Scott and I say in unison.

We all stare at the photo happily.


I walk into the kitchen to find my mom and dad making dinner. I sit down at the island and place the photo down.

"It's a girl." I announce.

"That's great, honey." My mom says, half smiling.

My dad remains silent as he slices some vegetables.

"Yeah... It is. I'm really tired, so I'm gonna go take a quick nap. You can start dinner without me, I'll have some later." I say, disappointed. I thought that this might get them excited.

"Okay, if you're sure." My mom says.

I head upstairs and try to hold back tears. This shouldn't surprise me, why would the gender make them look forward to it? It doesn't change anything.

"Hey, baby girl." I sniffle. "It's your momma. Don't worry, I'm not sad. I'm so excited to meet you. We're almost half way there. I love you." I whisper to my growing stomach. People at school were beginning to notice my weight gain, but I told them it was nothing. I was just stressed about school, so I was overeating. Soon enough, someone would discover the truth. It was only a matter of time.

Author's note:

Sorry for the short chapter. As always, thanks for reading!

(Re-uploaded because of a glitch)

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