33 • Surprise gone wrong

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Allison's pov:

It's now November, and the wedding is only a couple months away. My life has been hectic with planning, going to work, and Emma's first year of school. She really a loves it, and has already made lots of friends. Her best friend, Lizzie comes over often, or Emma goes to her house. School has really helped her come out of her shell- she's always so happy and outgoing now.

I finally found the perfect dress, and bought it a few days ago. It's a white mermaid style, with a bit of lace and a small amount of bling along the neck line. I love it, and it really suits me.

I still have doubts about this whole thing- about Scott. I've gone back and fourth in my head so much, but I've decided that Max is the love of my life. I'm going to grow old with him. Scott will always have a special place in my heart, as my first love, and the father of my daughter, but I love him as a friend now. I think.

I have the day off work today, so I can watch Emma's school performance in the afternoon, but other than that, my day is quite boring. I clean the apartment, re-watch a couple episodes of Friends, and take a shower before deciding to surprise Max at work.

I slide a sexy, yet professional, black form-fitting dress on over my bare body, and slip my feet into a pair of royal blue pumps. I apply some makeup, and curl my hair while listening to my Spotify playlist.

The song "All I want" by Kodaline blasts through my speaker, and I quickly change it, the second I recognize the tune. The song reminded me so much of Scott, it was the only thing I listened to for weeks after he left. Looking back, it was a stupid idea because it only made me more upset, but I suppose I was already distraught, what was a bit more pain?

Once I'm ready, I head out to my car, and drive for ten minutes, until I reach Max's office.

I strut through the building, allowing my confidence to glow as I wore my favourite outfit, along with my favourite makeup look. I hadn't felt this good about myself in a while.

I stand in front of the door with his name plastered along a golden plaque, and a huge smile forms across my lips. Without knocking, I let myself in, and find him facing away, with the phone held to his ear. I carefully shut the door, not wanting to make a sound, so I could surprise him, when I hear him mumble "Baby, I'm so excited to see you! Just a few more weeks and I'll be out of this place, and on the beach with you!"

I stop closing the door, out of shock, and my body is frozen in it's position. All of my confidence has been sucked out of me, and I feel small. I feel useless, and pained. The world felt as though it had been stopped, and the breaths I took were long and heavy.

"Babe, don't stress about packing. You'll look better in nothing." I could almost feel his smirk, which causes me to flinch as tears sting my eyes. He was going to leave me, only a couple months before our wedding, for whoever was on the other end of that phone call.

I let go of the handle, and the door slams shut. I forgot it did that.

Max whips himself around to face me, his phone still propped up against his ear. His face goes pale at the sight of me. Busted.

"You... You asshole!" I shout after a few moments of silence.

He slowly lowers the phone and ends the call, staring back at me with wide eyes.

"I- I" he stutters, unsure of what to say.

"Don't. Why exactly, did you feel the need to lead me on when you were planning on running away with someone else?"

"I didn't know this was gonna happen until a couple weeks ago. I met her in a bar, and we had a great time, and things just..."

"Oh, so you've been cheating on me for weeks?! That makes it okay! Yeah, totally fine now!"


"Save it, you dick! I never want to see your face ever again!" I scream, stomping out of the room, and sprinting to the elevator.

I twist my ankle, and fall in the middle of the hallway, people watching me like I'm some sort of freak show. Then, I lose it. I burst into tears, as I stand up. I flick my stupid shoes off, and grip them in my right hand, deciding to take the stairs rather than get caught in an awkward silence with a stranger in the elevator.

In the car, I have a breakdown, screaming and shouting until a finally feel a little better. I make my way home, where I grab everything of Max's and recklessly throw it in the hallway, not caring how fragile or expensive it is. As I'm tearing through the apartment, I find something buried in his sock drawer. An envelope, with my name on it. I'd never even seen it. I tear it open, and find a hand-written letter from Scott.


These past few months have been some of the best, yet worst of my life. I've had the opportunity to travel the world, see things I had never even dreamt of, and been to some of the most beautiful places you could ever imagine. Sounds amazing- how could anyone ever be unhappy with that? Well, I was. There were two holes in my heart, where you and Emma belong. The second I left you, I knew that I had made a mistake, but there was no turning back at that point. I'll admit, although I've always said I don't regret anything in my life, that was definitely one thing that came close.

After all this time, I still love you, Alli. I don't mean "I still love, but I'm getting over it." I mean "I am 110% percent in love with you, and I don't know if I'll ever be as happy as I was when I was with you". I mean that. I've never felt this lonely, even when I still have the same amount of friends, who I'm now closer with, surrounding me. It's because you're the person who makes me want to be happy. You're the person who inspires me on a daily basis to be a better human. I love you so much, and I always will.

Please contact me. I know what I want now, and I want an actual, real-life conversation between the two of us. I hope you can find a way to forgive me, but I understand if you don't. Just, please call.

Love always,

A tear drops into the letter as I hold it in my hands. Max must have hidden it from me when Scott returned ages ago. He did act weird after his travelling, and now I know why. He thought I ignored his request for me to call. I place the paper on my wardrobe, and toss the rest of Max's stuff into the hallway. This was all too much to process in one day. I was overwhelmed with emotions, I didn't even know how to think.

Author's note:

So, that was all very sudden. Allison's really confused about her emotions, do you think she'll be able to figure them out before it's too late?
(Envelopes seem to be Scott and Allison's thing lol)
Thank you all for reading <3

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