32 • Invitation

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14 months later
Scott's pov:

It's been the same routine for the past year or so. I get Emma for the day on Monday's, and I spend holidays with her, Allison, Max, our family and friends. I now have a full time job in construction, and Max has moved into Allison's apartment.

I'm sure you're wondering how I feel about everything- Allison and Max. It hurts, I won't lie, but it also makes me feel guilty. When I left, Allison felt twice the pain I feel now, and I really have no idea how she handled it. I can't barely look at her without wanting to burst into tears. I'm still so in love with everything about her; her smile, her laugh, her little habits that no one notices apart from me, her dimples, the way her hair falls over her shoulders. The list goes on.

"So tell her, Scott." It's not that simple. You see, I probably would have by now, if it weren't for the ring on her left hand. Max popped the question a few months ago, and of course she said yes.

After their engagement, Stiles checked in on me daily to make sure I was doing alright. "Yes, Stiles. I'm fine." Let's just say I'm a pretty good liar. I was not okay- far from it, actually. I know what you're thinking, this is all my fault. If I hadn't left in the first place, none of this would be happening. I agree, but I can't change what I did. In this world, you have to live with the decisions you made in your past, not matter how terrible they are. You don't really have a choice. Once it's done, it's done.

At noon, after pulling myself out of bed, I finally decide to trudge downstairs to collect my mail. I say hello to a few of my neighbours on the way down, and grab a paper cup filled with water from the lobby. I down it in one gulp, and toss the cup in the trash before stopping at my mailbox. Number 63.

I place the key in the slot and turn the piece of metal to the right, until the box clicks open. I stuff my hand in the small compartment and grab everything that's awaiting my collection. I then close the door, and head back upstairs, flicking through the minimal stack of bills, and flyers. At the bottom of the pile, I find an envelope with my name written in cursive on the front. Out of curiosity, I rip the envelope open, and find an invitation. An invitation I was not yet ready to receive.

"Please join us for the wedding of Allison Argent and Max Beckett
~Saturday, January 13th, 2017~"

I huff, and stuff the beautifully decorated invitation back into the torn envelope.


"I can't go to her wedding, Stiles! She's marrying him! And she wants me to go! This is too much." I shout over the phone to my best friend.

"So don't go. She'll understand that you're uncomfortable- I mean, I think she will."

"It's not even that. She was supposed to end up with me. Ever since high school, all I've imagined is seeing her walk down that aisle in a white dress with a bouquet in her hands. We were supposed to love each other forever, and have more kids so Emma could have siblings. We're never gonna have that now."

"Never say never."

"Since when are you Justin Bieber?"

"Look, Scott. All I'm saying is that you need to tell her. She could feel the same way."

"She wouldn't accept a marriage proposal if she still loved me."

"After all of the stuff you two have been through, it wouldn't surprise me."


"Hey, Allison." I type, pressing send soon after.

"Hey. What's up?" She replied almost immediately.

"We should talk."

"About what...?"

"About the wedding! I'm so happy for you!"

"Oh, thank you! I guess you got your invitation? I hope it's not too weird since, you know..."

"Yes I got it, and it's not weird. Why would it be weird?"

"Because of our history and stuff. Whatever, I'm glad it's not :)"

"Definitely not weird. Well, I better go. See you on Monday."

"See you!"

I was gonna tell her how I felt, I really was, but I panicked. I mean, can you blame me? I didn't want to ruin her happiness, even if it meant that mine would be destroyed forever. Maybe this was some sort of sign. Allison was supposed to be with Max, and I was supposed to be alone forever. This was it. This was my life.

Author's note:

Sorry for the short chapter! There wasn't too much to write about. Next chapter, Allison has a life-changing moment. You'll just have to read to find out what it is 😉!

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