26 • Reaction

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Scott's pov:

I throw my Beacon Hills High hoodie into my duffle bag, and zip it up. As soon as Allison had fallen asleep, I grabbed everything I could from the bathroom and closet, and packed it up. I swing the bag over my shoulder, and pace back and forth. What do I do now? Should I really just leave?

I didn't want to go without them, trust me, but I also didn't want to be stuck in this apartment- in this town, for months, maybe years. I'm 19 years old, I'm supposed to be in university, doing stupid stuff with my friends, but I'm here, in this tiny town, with my daughter and girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, I love them both, more than anything, and I love the life we live together, but I want more. I want to experience the things my best friends experience. I'm tired of sitting around, and listening to them go on about how drunk they got, and how wild the parties are, and the trips they're planning. I can't handle it any longer.

I pause in front of Emma's room and place my hand on the door.

"I'll come back, I promise. No matter how much you and your mom hate me." I whisper, my voice shaking with every word. "I- I love you. More than you'll ever understand. I'm so sorry."

I then place my hand on what used to be our bedroom door.

"Alli, you are the one and only love of my life. Don't work too hard, I feel terrible for all this. Believe me when I say that this isn't an easy decision. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me one day. I love you. I just want you to be happy."

Then, I enter the building hallway, sobbing lightly, careful not to wake the neighbours. I pull out my phone and check the time.

1:47 am.

I go into my contacts and press the one person's name who I know will support me. Stiles.

He picks up on the fourth ring, groaning dramatically.

"What, Scott? I was just falling asleep!"

"I'm coming to New York."

"You're what?"

"You heard me. I'm coming to New York. Alone. I'll see you in about two days."

"Scott, you can't just-"

"Please, Stiles. I'll explain when I get there." I plead.

"Are you crying?"

"Bye, Stiles."


I hang up, and head down to the parking lot, texting my mom in the elevator.

"Hey mom. I'm making a surprise trip to New York to see Stiles and Lydia. I'll call you in a few days. Love you."

I was too afraid to tell her why I was leaving so suddenly. She would hate me, and try to convince me it was wrong. I just wanted to get out of here before anyone could stop me.

Approximately two days later - Sunday

"Hey, buddy!" Stiles exclaims, after swinging the to his and Lydia's apartment open. He open his arms, and I give him a hug, watching as Lydia strolls over with a slight smile on her face. She's wearing red and white flannel pyjama pants, along with a white plush robe, and some black slippers.

"Hi, Scott." She says, closing the door behind us.

"Hey, Lyds." I reply, bringing her into a hug.

The three of us take a seat in the neat, yet disorganized, living room. My two best friends sit on the grey couch together, while I sit in the matching armchair.

"So, what's with the surprise visit? Not that I'm disappointed, it's just a bit random. Where are Allison and Emma?" Stiles asks, leaning forward a little bit, resting his chin on the palm of his hand, which is propped up on his knee.

"This is all gonna sound a bit crazy, but hear me out." I begin, crossing my arms over my chest, suddenly feeling insecure. Neither of them, especially Lydia, will understand where I'm coming from. "As you both know, I was in Africa for three weeks. I got home on Friday, late afternoon, and Allison met me at the airport with Em. Everything was great, up until nine o'clock, after we put Emma to bed. Allison and I talked, and I told her I wanted to travel more. She said it just wasn't possible for all of us to go for multiple reasons, but I wasn't backing down. She told me that she wouldn't stop me from going on my own, and she was so mad at me, it broke my heart. She said she wouldn't allow me to pop in-and-out of their lives in between trips, so I had to make a decision. I chose to travel. She told me she wanted me out by the morning, and stormed off to bed. I tried to talk to her, but she had already fallen asleep, so I packed up and called you. It sounds insane, but there's just so much more to life than sitting around, doing the same thing everyday at the age of nineteen, while your friends are out partying. I'm sick of it!"

Stiles and Lydia just stare back at me with unreadable emotions on their faces. Lydia was sitting back, her eyes wide, and her jaw slightly dropped. Stiles was pressing his lips together, and looking at the floor, shaking his head. I knew they wouldn't understand.

"Please say something." I beg, wishing the air wasn't so silent.

"I just... I don't know what to say." Lydia whispers, avoiding eye contact. "You left my best friend to raise a child all by herself. She wants to have fun, too, you know. You both made this commitment, though, and you can't back out now. I guess you're going to anyway, I can't believe you'd do this."

"You don't know what it's like!"

"No, I don't, but I do know that you promised you'd be there. I do know that Allison doesn't find it easy, either, but I sure as hell know that she's not going to give up, unlike you." Lydia shouts, tossing her arms up in the air and letting them slam into her lap. She rushes off to her and Stiles' room, slamming the door behind her. This felt all-too familiar to what had happened days earlier.


"You're my best friend, I'm gonna support you, but I think you screwed up. I also think that it's too late now. You can't run back to her. There are blankets and pillows in the linen closet. You can sleep on the floor or the couch. Goodnight." He says, following Lydia.

Well, Scott. You're the biggest idiot in the world.

Author's note:

Do you think that Scott has a point, or is he totally wrong? How do you think Allison is gonna handle everything? Will he win her back? Thank you guys for reading!

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