6 • Falling for you

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Scott's pov:

"Allison, I'm sorry!" I exclaim over the phone.

"Yeah, I am too. I'm sorry for thinking you were different. It's obviously not true." She sighs.

"Please! Doesn't this just show how much I care about you?"

"Scott, what you did was somewhat sweet, but I think this might be moving too fast. I mean, you haven't even met my parents yet and things progressing quickly. I don't want to be that love struck teenage girl-"

"So let me meet them! Uh, I can't cook at all, but I could try!" I interrupt her.

The line goes silent for a few moments while she thinks.

"Okay, come over for dinner this Friday." She gives in.

"Thank you! It's about time. I'm looking forward to it." I smile.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." She says, referring to her parents over protectiveness.

"I won't. I'm very charming, you know, Argent."

She giggles before whispering "goodnight, Scott."

"Goodnight, Alli. Sweet dreams." I reply before hanging up and laying back on my bed, wondering what to expect for Friday.


Friday-5:30 pm

"Mom, what the hell am I supposed to wear?" I yell, hoping for her help. Of course, she's standing in my room within seconds, going through my closet.

"Did you shower?" She asks.


"Well, go. I'll have an outfit picked when you're done." She demands.

After showering, I find a pair of medium wash jeans along with a white t-shirt and a red and black flannel shirt laid out neatly on my bed. I put the clothes on, leaving my flannel unbuttoned so you can see the white shirt underneath. I quickly use some hair gel to style my hair and squirt some cologne on my body. I head downstairs and put on some brown hiking boots before examining myself in the mirror.

"Do I look okay?" I worry as my mom comes behind me.

"You look very handsome. Don't worry, you're gonna be fine. You better got going though. Being late doesn't look good. I love you." She smiles at me softly behind hugging me.

"I love you too." I reply before she pulls away from our hug and I grab the car keys from a table by the door.

"Have fun and be yourself!" She yells as I open the car door. I nod and slide into the driver's seat of my mom's grey Toyota. I begin to feel anxious as I drive with twenty one pilots playing softly in the background.

"Dammit, flowers!" I say to myself, realizing there wasn't enough time to pick some up for Allison's mom. I'd just have to buy them next time. I was determined to make sure there would be a next time. Soon enough, I'm standing on her front porch and ringing the doorbell, fidgeting with slight fear of her parents' thoughts about me.

"Hi, babe!" She grins, wearing a lilac blouse with a black skirt and her hair in soft curls.

"Wow... You look... Amazing." I say in awe of her beauty. The way her brown eyes were as gorgeous as her heart and she blushed at the sound of my voice complimenting her.

"Thank you. You look great. Come in." She says, shutting the door behind me as we stand in the front hallway.

"Dinner will be ready soon, we can go sit in the dining room. I hope you don't mind, my aunt Kate insisted on meeting you. Don't worry, she's cool." She explains. I nod my head and we make our way into the warm room, taking a seat across from each other in the middle of the table. I pick at my nails as silence fills the air, leaving me with only my own thoughts. I hadn't been this nervous since the first day of high school or maybe that time I came home to find an empty house, hours after my mom's shift at the hospital ended. That was something that many people didn't know, I had a soft side even after my father walked out when I was barely 5 years old. I spent days, weeks, months, even years thinking he would come back, but he never did. Not for 8th grade graduation, not for a single birthday and I highly doubt I'll see him anytime soon. As I grew older, I realized that I didn't want him to come back. I didn't want to see his face again, I didn't want to see the man who broke my mother's heart into a thousand pieces.

"Scott? Are you okay?" Allison asks.

"Yeah. Just thinking, that's all."

"About what?"

"Oh nothing. I'll tell you the story another time."

"Okay. Are you nervous?" She worries.

"Kind of." I say, down playing how terrified I am.

"It's gonna be fine, don't you worry." She reassures me, grabbing onto my hand across the table. I kiss the back of her hand softly and stare into her eyes.

"Allison, would it be crazy to say that I'm falling for you?" I ask.

"Very. But that answer would make me a hypocrite so I guess not." She laughs.

"Hi, lovebirds." A blonde, middle age woman smiles.

"Kate, this is my boyfriend, Scott. Scott, this is my aunt, Kate." Allison introduces us.

"Nice to meet you." I say, shaking Kate's hand before she takes a seat beside Allison. Kate made me think that perhaps this night wouldn't be as bad as expected.

"Hello, Scott. I'm Mr. Argent." An intimidating man walks into the room with a glass of red wine in his hand.

"I'm Mrs. Argent. Allison has told us so much about you." Allison's mom smiles.

"Mr. and Mrs. Argent, so nice to finally meet you both." I say, shaking both of their hands before they sit down on either side of me.

"So Scott, are you a good kid?" Her dad asks me.

"Uh, I like to think I am." I say, trying not to sound arrogant, but I just end up sounding like I'm trying to hide something.

"No drugs, drinking, anything like that?" He asks.

"Dad!" Allison shouts in embarrassment.

"No, sir." I could already tell this was going to be a long night.

Author's note:

Ahh awkward "meet the parents" dinner at it's finest. Do you think Scott will make a good impression on the Argents or will his nerves get the best of him?

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