41 • Epilogue

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10 years later in the tiny town of Beacon Hills, all is well with the Argent-McCall's. There are five members in their family now, Allison, Scott, Emma, their eight year old son, Noah, and their dog, Max.

Emma's in her years of being a teen, and her and her best friend, Mia, are basically attached at the hip. They don't go anywhere without each other. Family vacations, concerts, the mall. When one of them's sick, the other tries to make an excuse to get out of school, and usually fails.

Noah is one of the happiest kids you'll ever meet

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Noah is one of the happiest kids you'll ever meet. He's always smiling, and Scott is teaching him all about lacrosse, which they both love.

About a year after getting married, Scott and Allison managed to buy a nice house in the suburbs of Beacon Hills, with the help of their parents, who they payed back as soon as they could

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About a year after getting married, Scott and Allison managed to buy a nice house in the suburbs of Beacon Hills, with the help of their parents, who they payed back as soon as they could. Max, their Golden retriever, is almost six now, and he's just calming down, which Allison is over the moon about. She now works as a receptionist for a big company, and Scott is working as a lacrosse coach for kids between the ages of 7-19.

As for Stiles and Lydia, they're married now, with one six year old boy named Ashton, and a girl on the way. They live down the street from their best friends, and visit almost everyday.

Their lives have become your typical, busy family lives.

Emma has noticed the age difference between her parents, and her friends' parents, but shrugged it off- until now. She was getting teased at school, people telling her that she was gonna end up as a single mom at the age of seventeen, or that her parents didn't even want her. She tried to ignore the comments, and she did for a long time, but the previous day had gotten to her. She had a bad day, anyway. An almost-failing mark on her math test, which she knew her parents would freak out about, and Mia was at a Doctor's Appointment, so she was feeling lonely. She walked through the crowded halls, all alone, staring down at the test, which she had crumpled into her hands, when she bumped into someone. She looked up to find the most attractive guy in her grade, who she'd been crushing on, even though they had never talked before.

"Sorry." She blushed.

"Aren't you the girl with the teen parents?" He scoffed.

"Um, I-I guess. They not teenagers anymore-"

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