36 • Love again

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Allison's pov:

After our kiss that night, we had a long, heartfelt conversation about our feelings.

"If we're an 'us' again, we have to make sure it's gonna stick this time. I don't want to put Emma through that confusion, and pain again." I had told him, as I tossed my hair to the side.

"I don't want to do that to her either. You have to remember that you exist too, Allison. I don't want to hurt you. I'm here for life, okay? You're the person that I'm meant to be with forever."

After hours of talking, Scott dropped Emma and I off at home around midnight. She had slept the entire time, just as Scott had predicted. He tucked her back into bed, and I waited for him on the couch. As soon as he appeared in the living room, I asked "wanna stay for a beer?"

"I don't know, I have to drive home and it's kind of late."

"Scott, it's just one drink. I'm not gonna get you wasted."

He chuckles a little and takes a seat beside me "well, Argent, you've convinced me."

I smile smugly at him, as I make my way to the fridge. I grab one beer, and pour myself a glass of red wine, before joining him once again.

We watched re-runs of the Bachelor as we sipped our drinks. "Don't you miss me making you do this every night?"

"Surprisingly enough, yes. Not because of the stupid show, which is really ridiculous by the way, but because you're here. That's all that matters to me." He smiles.

I turn to him, before kissing him passionately. A few kisses turn into a make-out session, and before I know it, he's carrying me to the bedroom, my legs wrapped around his waist, our lips still connected.


My eyes flutter open, as the sunlight peeks through the curtains, and the sound of birds' muffled chirps by my window fill the air. I roll over, and peck Scott's cheek, which wakes him up immediately. He smiles down at me, as I'm now resting my head on his bare chest.

"Now, I've definitely missed waking up like this." He whispers.

"Me too."

Our moment of peace is ruined as I hear the sound of little footsteps rushing towards my door.

"Crap, hide." I say, as I push him down, under the white duvet. I pull the covers over my bare body, and sit up just as Emma's entering the room.

"Good morning!" She exclaims.

"Morning, sweetheart. Hey, why don't you go brush your teeth, and I'll make you some pancakes, okay?" I suggest immediately, so she doesn't jump onto the bed and crush Scott.

"But I always brush my teeth after breakfast." She reminds me.

"Well, we're trying something new today."

She shrugs, and skips happily out of the room. Scott emerges from the sheets, and is noticeably sweating.

"Damn, it's hot under there."

The odds against us • a Scott and Allison fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now