Chapter •1

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It was cold and raining, I sat in a corner of the park. My life has come to an end, I've been thinking bout my last day!  Yup this is it.. It's my last day in Dunya.

I sob so hard and place my head in between my laps. Ohh my Allah how could he do this to me! The only person I relied on in my life. Hot tears made its way down my cheeks. I had a footstep I became scared and stood up slowly, wh-who's there? I said with a cracking voice but no answer. I began running out of the park to a quiet street .

I began walking really fast to an unknown destination. I hugged my body with my hands and sobbed quietly as I walk in the lonely street.

The quietude of the street was broken by a deep smooth voice. "Hello..? Can I help you young girl?"I turned slowly and frightened. It was a guy probably in his twenties. "I..i.. I am fine, I don't need your help" I replied and tears of frustration dropping down my cheeks. He used his thumb and wipe out the tears from my cheeks.

"No you're not okay. Come with me I shall drop you anywhere you're going". I looked further and saw a metallic car kinda have the features of the Bugatti but it was dark I couldn't see it clearly. "No No No I'm fine.. I'm okay. Thanks. As I turned and make my way I felt him holding my wrist and pulling me closer to him. "No you're not fine, and I'm taking you with me."

"What the hell are you doing all alone on the street , in the rain and by this time of the night !?" I felt lost and struggled to pull my wrist from his hand but I couldn't. "Well.. I.. I got lost where I was going." Shit I lied to him! What if he finds out now .. What if he asked where I'm going? I'm so ridiculous.

Well, this is a sneak peak of the whole thing lol.
Confused much? I'm more confused myself.

Next chapter explains everything.

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