Chapter 20•

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After performing isah sallah with my sisters in the living room as the boys had gone to the masjid. I went straight upstairs to my room. I jumped into my fluffy little bed, rolled on it and rubbing my hands on it feeling its gentle texture.

I stood up to my dresser, I sat on the stool and checked the drawers. I found my little pink hello kitty diary. I was eager to open it when I discovered it's locked! Ohh mehn! It's locked! Now where did I keep the key?! I totally forgot. SubhanAllah I'm such an idiot!

I went through the drawers but the key isn't there. Where could I have kept this key!! I was murmuring it to myself when Asmart walked inside.

"Asalamau'alaiykum Hannan. She said sitting on the bed.

"Walaikumsalam asmy I replied still walking up and down and murmuring things to myself about my missing key.

"Sup with you! Are you missing Abdulrahim so much you can't even sit down? She said wiggling her brows and pouting.

"Wha!!! No! Get real asumart!

"Don't call me that!!! She said rolling her eyes. Well I like giving my siblings funny nicknames it's my thing.

"It's not about.. Erm.. My diary key is missing. I said.

"Where did you keep it?

"Well I don't know! I should ask you!

"Me? Why? What have I got to do with your childish diary! She said sounding like a four years old with her mockery tone.

"Ohh just wait and see! Cos my diary isn't childish! And don't forget you're still my baby bamboo ! I said sticking out my tongue.

"Arrrgh don't dare call me that name! She said and suddenly grab hold of my wrist and pulled me in the bed and then led into a pillow fight. She hit me on the head with my favourite heart shaped pillow .

"Ohh you didn't just do that! I said and in the process of grabbing the pillow from her a little key fell off from the secret pillow pocket at the back of the pillow.

"My key!!! My key!!! My key!!! I screamed and hugged Asmart so tight that she began acting she was suffocating. I let hold of her as she started panting hard. I was then worries and thought she might have developed an illness.

"Asmy are you alright? I said all looking worried. She sat in the middle of the bed and bent her head towards the bed like she wanna barf. Before I knew it she grab the key and ran towards my diary laughing evilly and rubbing her hands together while sitting on my dresser stool.

"Gotcha Hannan!!! Now I'm gonna read your diary and see your dirty little secrets!! She said making an attempt to open it.

"No don't dare open it ! I shouted but she had already unlocked it. I sat down in the bed , put my head in my hands and making fake crying sounds.

Then I saw Asmart handing over the diary to me. I looked up and down again still pretending that I'm hurt.

"It's okay Hannan. Have it.. I was only joking. She said as she bent over and handed me the diary.

"I grabbed it ASAP. 'Bingo! Gotcha!!! I said giggling and ran straight to the bathroom with my diary and locked the door ASAP . Finally! My love is back to me. I kissed my diary and then decided to face whatever memories that are impacted in it and be strong . I inhale and exhale softly and opened to the first page.

March 12th, 2012.

Dear diary, today's hanifa' birthday! 🎊🎊And I've planned on getting her an hello kitty cake🎂 as a surprise. And She loved it so much! Alhamdulillah.

#BFF 👯

I smiled and flipped over pages reading my silly thoughts. As I flipped further I began seeing matured thoughts and I realised I've grown more matured than the first page.

I felt relieved after reading my diary tho I was not even half way through. I opened the door and saw Asmart deep asleep in my bed. Pttt poor thing . I lay in my bed and covered myself with the duvet and zoomed into the dreamland.

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