Chapter •4

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Salam guys.. Recall I promised to dedicate this to the first person to comment? Well I'm dedicating this to muslimpearl <3

   •Not edited•
I woke up early in the morning as I look at the time Twas 5:00 in the morning. Ohh shit I have to get ready for work quickly. I stood up from the chair I slept in the study.. Walking lazily to my room.

I saw one of the guest rooms doors opened as I walked passed. Who's there tho? I mean no one had visited me in a while now. Ohh ! Shit! I'm so stupid! It's the girl from the park. I walked slowly to the room.

I saw the most beautiful creature laying in bed! In my house! Ohh I'm blessed. I walked closer to her and sat on the bed.. I stared at her face for couple of minutes and left to perform fajr (Muslims  morning prayer) and drove off to work.

Hannan's POV

I woke up at noon still stretching on the bed like a baby. I stared at the purple ceiling.. What!? Where I'm I? Ohh my Allah! I've been kidnapped! I quickly stood up and ran out of the room. Screaming 'I've been kidnapped!!! Help! Somebody?!

Wait.. No one is in here. I calmed myself quickly and sat on the couch in the living room. I stared at the room.. It was gray, silver and black . It looked expensive, neat and tidy.

I was feeling hungry and my stomach making funny noises. I yawned and stood up in search of the kitchen. Wow! The kitchen looks so solid and beautiful. And I noticed the color of the rooms are mainly gray, silver and black. I opened the freezer.. Wow! Deen on dunya ! I quickly grab a bottle of Nutella and spooned it into my mouth , I felt alive! I've always loved food. I mean who doesn't? Food is life. Especially the feelings you get when your food is coming to you in the restaurant. I grab tomatoes,cabbage ,steak,onions and I made a yummy burger . I ate it all and slimly yet satisfied!

Man! I have to tour through this mansion! I stood up starting from a room which  'the study' Is written on the door. Hmm..I wonder why there's a study in the mansion.

Maybe it's owned by.. Shakespeare ? Nah.. I'm so stupid, I can't even think straight. I walked into the study. It had 3 shelves, consisting extremely clean black books. An office table and a chair laid in the middle of the room. Boring.. I hate books. I'll probably go check out another room. As I set off.

After I've seen all the rooms I was tired and sat on the couch and switched on the TV. My mind went back to my family, oh no! They might be looking for me! I panicked and went back to the room I slept in to get my mobile. I picked it up and it was switched off and wet. The rain must have damaged it. What will I do now!? I slowly walked back to the parlor.

Everything seem boring, I went over to the kitchen and grab an ice cream and began spooning it in my mouth when I heard footsteps at my back. I turned back and saw a guy.. He looks 23, he had dark silky hair, his jaw and face bone are beyond perfection, he had smoky blue eyes and well built body which is obviously seen even wearing a tuxedo. Ohh my Allah! As I lower my gaze quickly.

He came closer to me.. "Salam?
"Walaykumsallam I replied quickly. He smirks and looked elsewhere. Ohh Allah! I'm gonna melt. He smirks so beautiful and hot!

"What is your name? He asked..
"Erm.. I'm Hannan I murmured.
"Ohh beautiful name. "How old are you? Really? Why is he asking me for my age ? Is he crazy? Don't he know girls likes keeping their ages as secret? Ohh well ofcos he doesn't. He lives alone anyway.. I see no girl around. I have to tell him the truth, he helped me out last night, if not him.. I'd probably be dead in the cold and making way to Allah right now.

"Well I'm 18.. "Oh wow you look more matured! "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Probably cos I'm fat! I said getting grumpy. "Haha nah you ain't fat. You're just chubby cos you're a little girl..

What? A little girl? Dear Allah give me the strength not to punch someone in the face! I stared at him with a straight face. "Whatevs. I replied quickly feeling anger flowing in my body. Now, tell me.. "What were you doing in the park all alone by that ungodly hour of the night ??

He lower his head to my height cos he's way taller then me. "I.. I.. I told you I got lost where I was going! I felt broken and upset . He stared at me like I'm some kinda mental patient. "Okay, alright. Where were you going then? SubhanAllah!! why is he asking me too much questions? I dunno guess I was sleep walking..

I murmured . Wait .. What? Sleep walking? Mehn i sucks! Who does that tho? I just can't help myself from embarrassing myself. I'm such an idiot.

"Can I ask you for a favor? I quietly said. He nodded.

"Go on. He said.

"Can you take me back to my house please!! I said feeling my eyes getting teary and was feeling panicking.

"Calm down.. He gently said coming closer to me while I took few steps backwards. He noticed I was moving away from him and he stopped coming closer.

"You don't have be scared of me okay?

" where am I?! I yelled with so much thoughts flowing into my head. What if he's going to kill me!? What will my parents do? They must be looking for me by now.

"You're in Jaild. He replied. I went over to Ameria to visit my aunts and on my way back i decided to drive down to the park when I saw you last night. He replied looking amused.

Ohhh that's it! I'm such a clumsy girl! He actually saved me. But Jaild!? Oh my God it's 7 hours ride to Ameria! I've never been to Jaild before and I doubt if I even know the way home!

"are you okay?! He asked with a smile plastered on his face.

"Yes! I yelled feeling so panicking cos I've been unknownly kidnapped by a weird man. Omg I became scared and quickly start walking to the stairs.

I quickly rushed to the room where I woke up to avoid him asking more questions. Where are you rushing to? As I started running even so I won't stop and and shouted I'm going to do my business!! What? That's it! I'm totally dumb. Do my business ? What's that?.

I've got a weird , crazy girl ! I said heading into my room to relax after hectic day at work.

Well this chapter is a little bit longer than usual. What do you think happened to Hannan in her past ? The coming chapter will be basically about Hannan past life. You'll get to know what happened in her past life.

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