Chapter •3

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I think I spotted some girl walking down the street. I drove slowly so I won't scare her off again.

I dropped out of the car and walk quietly at her back.

"Hello..? Can I help you young girl?" I said as she turned around and stare at me with fear in her eyes. Her eyes were something magical.. It was golden brown, big,bold and bright. It's was like a shining star. Ohh my God!!

She murmured "I.. I.. I am fine, I don't need your help she replied but tears flowed down her cheeks which surprisedly broke me instantly.

I wiped off her tears with my thumb. "No you're not I said, come with me., i shall drop you anywhere you're going. "No no no I'm fine I'm okay, thanks she said quickly and turned to leave.

I grab hold of her wrist.. I don't normally touch girls , but this girl in my presence is mysterious. "No. You're not fine, I'm taking you with me as i drag her closer to me. "What the hell are you doing all alone, on the street , in the rain and by this time of the night? She struggled to let go of my hand.

She couldn't cos I held her wrist tight. "Well.. I.. I got lost where I was going . She murmured. She followed me quietly to the car, I opened the door for her and she sat on the passenger seat, I sat in the driver seat and drove off to my villa.

On getting there she dozed off in the car. She looks more beautiful sleeping, she was so innocent and peaceful. I carried her to a room which my niece usually stays each time she visits me. She slept like a baby.

I stared at her studying her face.. She had a pink little lips, big eyes , V shaped face with chubby cheeks. She was smiling in her sleep.. Ohh wait? Is that three dimples I just saw on her soft chubby face? Wow she's a beauty.

I closed the door quietly and went back to the study. I swiped through the pages of the files and signed all the contracts. And dozed off on the chair.

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