Chapter 31•

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It's been over a month and I kept on ignoring Abdul's calls and texts. Luckily he totally stopped calling and I'm doing quite well without him in my life if you asked me.

I'm now into fashion and styles. Also a fashion blogger. Everything is going so well Alhamdulillah.

Today my collections are out and there will be a fashion show at Palm island (jumeirah).

The alarm went off as I stood up from my bed. Phew!!! It's today! Finally, my collections will be displayed. I Prayed sallah fajr and constantly thanking Allah for everything.

I took out my mobile and text the make up artist and my models making sure there's no obstacles.

I dressed up modestly, wore a neutral nude maxi skirt and loosed peach long sleeved shirt. I matched it up with a dusty peach chiffon triangular scarf obviously I designed them myself.

The runway show was successful, I came home by 9:17pm all stressed. Walking into the sitting room I sensed the house was empty. I dropped my car keys and purse on the dinning table. I make my way upstairs calling out for Asmart and Hauwa but no response. After checking all the rooms which were empty, I went into mine and took a quick shower. I went downstairs to get my dinner when I discovered the sitting room lights were all turned off.

I freaked out and ran upstairs constantly reciting ayatul kursil as loud as I could. Suddenly i grabbed a mopping stick , I pick courage to go find out who turned the lights off ! It could be a thief uno?. I slowly climbed down the stairs when I got to the centre of the room, I felt a figure standing at my back! I was alert and raised my hands as high as I could to hit whatsoever it is with the stick when the light went on and surprisingly all my family members were gathered there and shockingly Abdul's family as well except his father,three of his sisters, his step siblings and step mothers weren't present.

"Wh-what!?? What's going on! I said staring at hauwa who seemed to be the figure standing at my back in the dark.

"Surprise!!!! They all said in chorus. And grinning.

"sur-surprise? I said still frightened as Abdul walked up to me and held my hands. I stared at him with a straight face wondering what he's up to this time. He stared at me right in the eyes smiling.

"Happy birthday darling . He said as he place a small box in my palms.

I looked at everyone awkwardly. "Ohh! It's my birthday! My freaking birthday!!!! Ohh Allah I forgot! I felt a lot awkward. (What Kind of human being am I? How could I forget my birthday? Guess I was so busy and excited about my collections which made me forgot my birthday!? Ohh Hannan! You're such a fo.ollll!!)I flicked my finger on my forehead.

"C'mon open it!! Mum said smiling. I looked at Babau who was smiling and winking at me. I looked at Abdul's mother as she motion me to open the tiny black box in my palm. (Well it's what it is. I'll just have to open it and see what game Abdul is on this time around). I agreed to my thoughts and opened it.

I saw an emerald green beautiful expensive ring. "A ring!? I said looking up at Abdul who was still standing beside me with my eyes wide open. Abdul knelt down on one knee and asked. "Hannan, will you marry me? I was speechless. I couldn't utter a word. Chilled air ran into my body which made my toes freezed and my hands cold. the scene which took place at the boutique ran straight into my head which hurt me bad as if it had happened that very moment.

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