Chapter 7•

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"If you have no reason to live but to worship Allah, you've found all the reasons to live. "

I came home and said Salam before entering the house. A familiar voice replied Walaykumsallam.. Kinda like Jafar's mum's voice. Nope. What will she be doing here anyway?

I went inside and saw Jafar's mum and dad sitting on the sofa. I knelt and said Salam iyaya Aziza .. Salam dear she said and I said Salam to Uncle fatteh. I stood up and went upstairs to my room, sat on my bed and wondered what they were doing in our house . Later mama called me from downstairs and I quickly adjust my hijab and went downstairs. She asked me to sit down on the couch , I sat and was eager to know what is going on.

Dear Hannan, we've decided that it's high time you and Jafar get married. I looked at my mum giving her the what's going on face and he smiled and nod her head.

Ok.. Okay. If Allah wills it to happen InshaAllah it will I said feeling uncomfortable and left to my room.

Three weeks passed and twas finally our graduation day. I woke up, performed fajr, greeted my parents and went to take my shower. I put on my silky black abaya baba bought it from Saudi for me and Aisha my sister.

I topped it with my red pashmina scarf,wrapped my hijab and pinned it. I put on light make up.. Since I was dark skinned I used moderate foundation and contour . I set off to hanifa's house so we can go to school together. I knocked at the door and hanifa opened the door giggling. She wore a red abaya and black pashmina scarf just as we planned to dress on our grads.

Sup girl? Wow damn girl! Jafar is gonna stare today! Boy ain't gonna gaze down. Hmm hmm hm! I smiled. Hanny you're looking so gorgeous. she blushed , Hanifa is a black American
. she's been my best friend since childhood cos the whites often bring up the colour issues and we decided to be there for one another. We set off to school. When we reached the school gate , I started looking around searching for Jafar. But he didn't seem to be around. I thought maybe he haven't come to school yet and started going to the hall with hanifa.

After the ceremony was over. Twas 8:00pm and I haven't even seen Jafar! I rushed out to the hallway cos everyone was gathered there taking pictures and all. I began searching for Jafar but can't still find him! I was worried and saw hanifa coming from the exit. I quickly ran to her and asked if she had seen Jafar today.

Ohh dear! Hannan you need to calm down. I saw Jafar making out with a girl but I can't see her face clearly.

Wh-what? No this can't be true. Hanny tell me you're joking! No no no no he's not Jafar! Maybe his lookalike ? Yup his lookalike.

Girl.. I know what I saw. If I wasn't sure I wouldn't have told you.

I turned back and saw Jafar holding Miranda's waist and kissing her deeply. I was shocked and out of words.

Ohh my Allah! I'm ruined!!! No no no! This can't be! He loves me! And only me ! I ran out of the hallway as tears started flowing from my eyes! Noooo I can't marry him! I have to run away from this. The wedding is already arranged I supposed. And I can't say no to my parents. He'll keep on hurting me even if we're married!

I kept on running to an unknown destination. Trying to run away from everything,,from this nightmare! And constantly pinching myself to wake up if I'm dreaming!! But I wasn't. I was wide awake. As I reached an empty park and sat at a corner and weeping hard.

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Salam <3

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