Chapter 37

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~2months later---

Hannan's POV;

I woke up stretching my feet and covering my face with the duvet from the morning sun rays. I can't remember when last I had a proper night rest. Gradually I kept feeling dizzy and weak.

Rahim had gone on some business meeting week ago and I was left all alone. Talking about being alone, he was worried about me and decided he takes me along cos he wasn't sure what Zulaihart would do when he's away. But haba I'm not feeling well and needed all the rest in the world so I stayed back.

Ohh my Allah what's wrong with me now? I couldn't move. I fell to the ground and struggled to reach for my mobile on the table. Breathing faster I felt my heart racing rapidly,  I saved my last energy and dialed asma's number cos I knew she's the only one not busy she doesn't have college that day.

My body shut down completely and slowly I began giving up and hearing asma 's voice on the phone.

"Asalamu'alaykum.. Asalami'alaykum? Hannan?! Are you there? Was the last thing I heard.

~3 days later ;

Everything is dark, and like a dumb human I realized my eyes were closed. I struggled to open them but couldn't. Guessed the room was too bright and I felt sharp headache.

She's up! Alhamdulillah. I began hearing faint voices in the background and recognized Ma's voice instantly.

"Habibti are you alright? Ma asked touching my shoulders gently.

Talking seems extra harder than opening my eyes . My mouth felt a lot heavier I managed to reply back

"Alhamdulillah slowly to calm them.

"MashaAllah!! Other voices chanted.

Abdulrahim is on his way. He couldn't make it two days ago cos his schedule is tight and I told him not to worry to ease him. Ma said smiling at me.

"Ok.  I replied struggling to sit up on the hospital bed.

"Careful.. Pa said holding my hands and adjusting the pillow.

Arrgh I screeched wondering why my body aches so bad. I looked up to my family members, rahim' s mum and sisters (hafsa and Aisha) his brothers( Mubarak and umar) his mum smiled and hugged me gently assuring me that I'll be fine soon. My mind started playing games making me think that I've been diagnosed with an illness. 

What are there all doing here? I thought and gave her a soft smile,

"Wh-what happened to me? I asked giving them a questioning stare.

"Habibti.. You see.. .. .. ..

My mother inlaw summarized what happened to me and I felt really thankful to asma and myself for making that call. Who knows what could have happened to me by now? Oh Allah.

There was a knock on the door and came in an hijabi female doctor smiling delighted and saying MashaAllah you're finally up.

I got lost again wondering if I died or what 🤔

"Yeah.. I replied. 

Placing her equipments on the table.

"Congratulations! she said grinning.  You're 3months pregnant. The condition you might have suffered is some signs of pregnancy. She said . I couldn't believe my ears and placed my hands gently on my not so flat belly imagining a little creature lying in there.

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