Chapter •10

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Abdulrahim 's POV

After fajr, I laid down in my bed thinking about the romantic moment I had with Hannan during yesterday's breakfast. As I held my head above the pillow with my hands, I smiled and stood up , took a quick shower, wore my suit and went downstairs. I saw Hannan sitting on the couch watching 'Twilight saga' and spooning ice cream in her mouth. What? She's up so quick! I guess she have an appointment with the movie.

"Morning Sleeping beauty I said leaning over her head while she sat on the couch. She stood up ASAP feeling shy.

"Asalamaulaiykum. Goo..Good Morning.. She said gazing down. I'm sure she's shy and blushing.

"Walaikumsalam, Had good night rest?

"Yeah sure.. Alhamdulillah, Yours?

"Well .. I didn't sleep much, I had to work you know.. I said moving away from her to make her feel comfy a little.

"Are you going to work? She asked looking at me straight in the eyes. Wow her eyes again! Yes, I'm going to work.

"Isn't it weekend ? You work all the time? She asked feeling bored.

"What !? I totally forgot its weekend! Nope. I'm no gonna work today. I said scratching my head sillily. She burst into laughter! The sound of her laughter is so Musical ! I wish she could laugh all the time.

I completely got lost in my thoughts and stared at her continuously and she stopped laughing while I was brought back to earth.

"So baby.. Now that I'm going to be less busy today.. You mind hanging out with me? I said smirking.

"What!? Why? No. Nope I'm not hanging out with a non mahram. She said looking grumpy. What's wrong with her now? I thought she didn't like it when I wanted to go to work, now she doesn't like it hanging out with me neither.

"Okay darling, we'll just stay home and guess it's a movie day for us!

"No what? There's no 'Us' okay?! You interrupted me while seeing my movie, arrrgh! I don't like boys! So mean. Mean, mean , mean! She said walking angrily upstairs to the guest room.

"I stood there dumbfounded. What's wrong with this girl? What does she have with boys? Why did she hates boys so much! I know it's normal for Muslim girls but hers is just unusual.

"I went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast, I made a pie with strawberry milkshake. I knew she was kinda upset so I took the breakfast to the guest room. I knocked lightly on the door but she didn't answer. Guess she's sleeping.

I opened the door and saw her laying in bed sleeping. Hey baby .. Breakfast is served. I dropped the food on an ottoman and sat in bed close to her.. I knew it might upset her more but I don't care, I wanted to be with her all the time. She opened her eyes slightly, I saw tears in her eyes. Ohh God! I made her cry? Rahim you're such an ass hole! Help me Allah. I cup her face in my hands and tried to console her.

"Baby, you're crying? Did I make you cry? I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry.. I said feeling sorry for myself.

"She looked straight into my eyes and started crying bitterly!!

"Stop it please! Ohh God I hate seeing girls cry! Especially you! I said as I felt my face turning red out of pain.

"She stopped crying and stared at me dumbfounded. You.. You hate seeing me cry ? She said sobbing.

Yes! Nothing will ever hurt me in this Dunya than your tears.

"Noooo! You're all thesame! You're just teasing me! That's all boys ever do!! You don't even know me!!! You don't know my past. How could you care much for a stranger ? She said crying so hard and screaming.

"I held her head to my chest.. I almost cried! I'm not some kind of weak or emotional guy but this scene hurt me than ever! Then tell me your past!  Tell me everything. I promise to listen and won't judge you.

I said. She stood up quickly and said, I don't want to talk about it now.. I don't have enough energy for that. Staring up in the celling.

"Okay baby.. I stood up and the most weirdest thing happened! She hugged me so tight and sobs I was surprised and held her head close to my chest. Don't worry baby, everything is gonna be alright in'sha'Allah I said putting my nose down on her scarf.

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