Chapter 35

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                    Hannan's pov

"Asalamu'alaykum habibti. I heard and opened my eyes to my perfect perfect husband.

"Wallaykumsallam. I replied still dragging the duvet on my body properly.

"Ohh no no.. I don't think you'll still go back to sleep ma'am? Rahim said smirking evilly and dragging me from the bed. 

"Oh my Allah! Why do you wanna murder me!?? I said lying motionless as he dragged me on the soft carpet in our bedroom.

He kept laughing and helped me up from the floor stroking my hair gently.
Awwwn he's so cute! I thought

'If i don't murder you.. Who will? He left out a big grin. Arrgh not so Chessy! I rolled my eyes and went into the wash room. When I was done, I came to our room to see my husband reciting the Quran with his beautiful melodious voice MashaAllah.

I stood there for a min and moved closer to where he was sitting.  When he was done, he kissed me on the forehead and held me up from the praying rug. I stood at his back while he recited suratul Fathia and Nas in the rakkah while performing fajr.

When we were done praying he used my finger for dikhir. I smiled knowing that he's doing that so Allah may double or share his blessing with mine. MashaAllah! I couldn't ask for more.

I went to the kitchen and started making plans for breakfast. I mean the first food I shall be preparing for rahim as his wife.

I walked into the dining room, it looks so beautiful than the sleek gray coloured one he had. I'm so grateful he repainted the house cos everything looks so beautiful and new.

Rahim hurriedly came downstairs with a suitcase looking so serious and in a haste.

"Oh breakfast is served already? He said as his eyes widened staring at the homemade muffins and strawberry pancakes.

"Where are you going? I asked raising my brows and crossing my hands on my chest.

"Ohh yeah.. I've got an emergency issue at work. I need to stop by at the company ASAP. Some containers got missing out, the ones that were supposed to be shipped from Australia.

"Oh my Allah! I really hope it's not true. I said looking worried

"Don't worry babe. It's gonna be okay In'sha'Allah he said placing a kiss on my forehead.  And was heading to the door.

"You ain't gonna have breakfast!? I ask staring at him expressionless.

"Er.. Lost my appetite ma'am he said rubbing the back of his neck childly.

Hem..hem.. I let out a fake cough sound still looking at him with straight face..

"Okay! My appetite is back. Wow! Lemme have a bite or more he said dragging out a chair while I place the muffins and pancakes on a plate. Then rushed to pure him some tea.

Soon he was done and went out ordering shafiu to drive out the car from the garage. I stood at the door staring at my perfect man. Oh Allah.. Why is he getting cuter and cuter everyday!? I cant help but stare at him.

While lost in my silly thought he walked back to me and kissed my cheeks and peck my lips. I instantly blushed and went inside while the car zoned out from the parking lot and off to his company.

After cleaning the great mess I made in the kitchen.. I went back to our bed room hoping to catch a sleep cos I don't have any class today.

The room is filled with his strong cologne which I inhale constantly and weirdly I was missing his presence a lot.


After performing Asr, I heard a knock on the door. So I went downstairs and opened it. I saw a familiar face which I'm very sure I've seen somewhere before. 

"Hello. She said Looking at me with so much disapproval.

"Hello. I said still wondering what's up with the sore stare .

"Is my man around? She asked peeping inside the house.

"Your man!? I asked with my brows up.

To be continued. . .

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