Chapter 34•

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"Good women are for good men."
       (Surah An Nur, verse 26)

Abdul's POV;

After the women had gone home, I received a call from Anas. He told me Twas time for me to see Hannan. My beautiful bride. My heart skip a beat and I was so anxious to see her.

I quickly went outside the hall and drove off to Hannan's parents house. Their house was filled with different people, all speaking her native language (igala) and congratulating me as I said thank you while walking past them. I met up with Anas and Hannan's dad in the private sitting room where they sat with close male relatives. We exchange Salams and Anas called AbdulHadi to led me to Hannan's room where she's waiting for me.

Taking the last stairs up I smiled and motion to AbdulHadi to go downstairs. I quickly adjust my thobe obviously twas ok but I still need to look smart enough. I knocked slightly and went in.

There she was, standing and facing backwards. Her lace veil covered her face entirely. Her beautiful dress looks so stunning and sparkles.

"Hehm ' I said announcing my presence. I turned her and face me. Asalamu'alaykum' I said bending my head down.

"Wa-walaykumsallam. She said.

"May I see your face? There was a long pause and no reply. I could feel she's blushing and shy. I then asked again.
"My amarya (my wife) can I see your face? She nodded slightly. I smirked and slowly removed the veil from her head. I raised her chin up. This girl is perfection. She stares up at me with those big brown eyes. Through her long lashes. I took a deep breath.

"MashaAllah. MashaAllah. I smiled feeling so lucky and blessed. I let out a kiss on her forehead and bear hugged her.

We stayed comfy in each other's arms for a while. My phone began ringing and I had to let go. I picked up the phone and it was Mubarak. He said it was time to take the new bride home. Everything was set to go.

"It's time to go. I said staring at my wife.

"ohh .. Yeah. She said looking a bit sad.

I felt bad for her too. It's hard to abandon your family members and leave with new people. Despite the fact that I'm a man, I still genuinely missed my family members.

"You go now, I'll pack the things I need. She said letting out a smile.

" okay habibti I kissed her fore head and left.

I went over to her dad's and saw the girls who had left Hannan's room before I went in rushing back upstairs. Mmm girls! I bet they're going to hear what happened while I was in there. I smirked and nodded.

"Abdulrahim. Now my darling daughter is in your care. Please for the sake of Allah, don't ever ever ever hurt her. And she being premature and young, she might act childish at times. But don't take actions without my consultant. And In'sha'Allah your home will be peaceful. And you'll have righteous offsprings too. Let recite 10 salatul Nabi. And we prayed for Allah's blessings and mercy upon the whole ummah and the Nikka.

Finally Hannan came down with her friends carrying bags and wrapped gifts to the car. Her family members gathered and she began hugging them one after the other. Her mum was crying and her siblings, cousins her friends. Except her uncles and father but can tell they're hurt seeing her leave. They said their farewells I went over and hugged her father and mother and shake her brother and some of her cousins too. "Please take care of my daughter " her mum said with tears in her eyes. I felt bad.

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