chapter 43

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Verily, After hardship comes ease.😊😊😊


Why rushing to the house I bumped into someone.

"I'm so-sorry I wasnt looking. I said. And looked up.

" Hannan!!!! What are you doing here??? He said staring at me with his eyes widened.

I stood shocked. My legs no longer functions. My eyes felt teary but I didn't let it out. _________

"What are you doing here??? He asked and I still kept mute

"Talk to me please? He plead looking so worried.

"Stay away from me jafar! Leave me alone. I said heading inside the house when he grabbed hold of my hand.

"Please wait, I'm deeply sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please am no longer the Jafar you used to know, the old me is gone! He said giving me a pleading look. I turned and faced him. I began thinking of how unbelievably broken he made me and how uncontrollably happy Rahim made me. Perhaps things happens for a reason, thanks to him I met Rahim at the park that night. Now I can't imagine my life without Rahim and my triplets. I let out a sigh.

"Alhamdullilah Jafar. If Allah can forgive me my sins, who am I not to forgive you? I've forgiven you. I said. He let out a smile.

"Thank you so much Hannan! Thank you. He said smiling uncontrollably.

"Oh jafar! There you are. Some girl said coming from the dark driveway.

"Hannan? She said looking surprised.

"Yasmeen!!! I screamed and hugged her tightly. I pulled out. "Is this really you? I said and she nodded. She hugged me again whispering 'Ive missed you so much to me.

"Ive missed you too! When did you arrived? I asked.

"Last week, how's everyone? I planned on paying you a surprise visit tomorrow! But its all ruined. She said rolling her eyes.

"I'm sorry I giggled.

"You two know each other? Jafar asked dumbfounded.

"Yeah! Hannan is my cousin sister. Yasmeen said.

"What?.. I-I mean.. really? Jafar said scratching his head childishly.

"Yes. How did you know yasmeen? I asked jafar who look as though be wanna vanish from there.

"Haha dont mind him. Jafar and I are engaged ! She said showing me her ring and blushed.

"Awwwwn MashaAllah! Yaz I'm so happy for you I said and hugged her looking at Jafar and mouthing act normal to him cos for some reason it felt weird my ex potential husband is now engaged to my cousin.

"Oh there you're ! The babies are awake Rahim said coming over to me.

"Jaf bruh! Rahim said and he did a weird guy hand shake with Jafar and they gave themselves side hug. What?! they know each other? Ohh Allah can this evening get even better!!! I stood dumbfounded.

"So good to see you!!! Jafar said and smiling.

"Yeah! Bruh you're late for the dinner Rahim said crossing his hands on his chest.

"Uhrm.. well, better late than never! Jafar said.

"Oh meet my wife , hannan. Rahim introduced me to Jafar having no idea Jafar and I go way back.

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