Chapter 26•

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"HE created you from a single soul,and from that soul HE created his mate that he might dwell in serenity with her:
(Q 07:189)

****Now I'm pretty sure Hannan's family will approve my proposal. Since her father had accepted, I don't need to worry anymore in'sha'Allah. Here I am standing in the front of my parents house. I decided to tell my family about the life decision I am thinking about making. So we could go do the formal introduction at Hannan's house.***

"Wow Asalamu'alaykum Omaye(brother) Hafsa said as she opened the door for me. "Walaikumsalam hafsy. I noticed some reddish marks on her face and it's swollen. What happened to your face. "It's nothing to worry about omaye. Please come in. She said.

"No! I won't step in unless you tell me who did this to you!! Is it that f*cker Kabir!!! He did this right!? As Hafsa started crying and rubbing her hand on her forehead. "Don't cry. I hugged her and went inside the house. She wiped her face and served me a glass of water. As I sipped it memories hits me hard. When I almost lost my dear sister in the hands of her dreadful husband Kabir.


After I've performed sallah isah. I was strolling down the street when I sighted some girl running straight to my parents house. I couldn't see her properly cos twas dark. I ran after her before I got there she had fainted. I raised her head up and discovered it was Hafsa!!! My sister! What had happened to her!? Ohh Allah please help!

I carried her inside. My parents and siblings quickly started sprinkling zamzam water on her face and reciting ayatul kursil until she finally blinked her eyes and woke up. Minutes later there was a hard knock on the door.

"Open this door or I'll break it down!!! A voice shouted. But who could that be? I felt anger running through my veins. I opened the door and saw a drunken Kabir!!! With broken bottle in his hands. He attempted to hit me with it but I dodged and punched him in the face. He fell down , I took the bottle from him and dragged him to the middle of the sitting room where all my family members had gathered.

Some minutes later he woke up holding his head and looking around. I poured water on him to make his eyes clearer.

"Who-what's wrong with her? She better get up cos I'm not finished with her. He said pointing towards Hafsa. I got up again and punched him so hard that he dozed off instantly.

The next morning, Hafsa explained how her husband had bitten her up so badly that it let to her having a miscarriage. SubhanAllah. I was so angry and felt like killing him. But Ofcos his family came apologising and promised that nothing of such will ever happen to Hafsa again.

Flashbacks over.

"They called themselves Muslims and yet break promises! They can't even take good care of their daughter in law. What sort of people are they! I said rubbing my palms together and panting angrily.

"I don't know! He gets normal and act crazy the next sec! I dunno what to do. She said as she fall down on her knees and crying bitterly. "It's okay. I said cos I couldn't bear seeing her cry anymore. I felt like crying myself. I pull her up and sat her on the sofa. "You don't need to worry. In'sha'Allah I'll talk to Kabir. I said as she smiled sadly at me.

"Where's everyone!? I asked trying to change the topic and cheer her up.

"Oh father had gone to Ajman but will be back by noon. Mum had gone to her boutique as well. Aisha , zayid and the rest had gone to college. Ummi hawau had gone out with Ummi latif (my step mothers. )

"Ohh wow it's just you at home? What about Bashir and Bashira? (Her twins kids)

"They've gone to school. She said giving me a weak smile.

"You look fat. I said examined her. "No haha I'm not fat. She said giving me a questioning look. "But you definitely look fat. Tell me you're not preg... I said in a low teasing tone. "Getaway you! Hafsa throw the little pillow at me. "Ouch. That hurts. I said placing my hands on my chest. I can tell she's pregnant. That's the only thing I'm good at I guess and my suspicion never fails me. Er.. Hausa I need to talk to you. She gave me the yes! Go ahead look.

"What's wrong?" She asked

"You know hannan right? The girl I came in with the last time I came home? "

"Yes Ofcos. Such a sweet heart . What about her!? She asked wiggling her brows. "Ohh don't be silly. Stop doing that! I said rolling my eyes.

"I intended to go and ask for her hand in marriage. Hafsa sat upright on the sofa and her eyes sparkles.

"Wow MashaAllah MashaAllah! That would be nice!  When? When? She asked looking excited.

"Erm.. Er.. I dunno yet. I want to discuss it with pops and Ma then I'll know how it goes. Hafsa hugged me and started pinching my cheeks.

"Oko oya!!! (Groom) She repeated as she was teasing me and laughing so hard. "Ahh she will never change I huff and went upstairs to my room to nap.

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