Chapter 22•

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I was shaking and sweating. I couldn't move or run. Seems like my legs is tied to something but it isn't. I struggled to get up from the chair where I was glued to, All went in vein.

"You little b*tch! I'm gonna kill you! A voice yelled at me as I turned back and saw the most terrifying thing I've ever seen in my dear life. A huge ogre with three heads approaching me with a knife!

"Get away from me! Please don't hurt me!!! I said as tears began rolling down my cheeks. Ohh Allah help me.

"Too late! It says and began cutting my hijab with the knife.

I screamed and found myself in Abdulrahim's study. I was so tired and weak. I walked slowly to the chair and sat on it .

The monster came out all of a sudden and was laughing so hard and evilly. I became angry and spotted a pistol on the study desk and grabbed it.

I slowly got up from the chair and the monster vanished. I was super scared! And began walking out of the study and pointing the gun around in search of the monster.

I walked down the stairs and sighted it in the kitchen making pancakes. Wtf!!! A monster making pancakes??? I was at the point of flicking my finger to shoot the gun when the monster turned around and it was Abdul!!!

He gasps and knelt down placing his hands on his head looking so innocent and helpless. "Please don't shoot me Hannan!! " He said with a crying tone.

"What?? How-w? Abdul? ?

''Hannan?? Hannan!!!! Wake up!!!

"Wh-what!!? Where am I ? I said as I woke up looking at the celling.

"Jannam! You idiot! Aisha said punching me on my thigh.

"Oooooooh! It was all a dream! I said getting up from the bed. And discovered my legs was folded to my body. Ohh no wonder I couldn't run or walk properly in the dream. I thought.

"Yes! It is. You've been calling your honeybun Abdul and I decided to wake you up from your fantasy cos it's so disgusting !!! She said pouting her mouth.

"I was... Calling Abdul?

"Yup. Don't act so smart honey! You were sleep-talking and I heard everything. She said rolling her eyes.

"Ohh mine.. How awkward I said getting up from the bed.

"Guess what!? Aisha said wiggling her brows and pouting.

"What? What!? Tell me I pleaded shaking her shoulders.

"Calm down cow! She said rolling her eyes.

"You didn't just call me that! I said jumping on her and pulling her hair.

"Arreghhh!! You're a lot stronger than I remember! Get off me!! Aisha cried out.

"No! Not until you apologize! I said still pulling her ponytail backwards.

"Never! She said and screaming out of pain.

"Then you gonna suffer.

"Okayyyy okkkkkkk ! I'm Soo.....rry!

"I can't hear you! I said bringing my ear closer to her mouth.

"I said I'm sorry!!! Fool. She screamed into my ears.

"Hahhh ! Goodt goodt. Here get up. As I help her up and she sat on the bed panting. Now tell me.. Please?

"(Aisha inhale and exhale) Okay, Abdulrahim is here and he's discussing stuffs concerning marriage and I think it's related to you as well! She said wiggling her brows.

"Hhhaaaa! *gasps * Say wallah?

"Wallah! Wait. You don't believe me? Aisha said frowning.

"No no I'm just surprised. Ayeeee I'm getting married! I said feeling thrilled.

I held Aisha's hand and we started jumping on the bed and singing nonsense.

Hannan! Hannan! Babau called me from downstairs.

"Naa'am babau. I said rushing out of my room. When I got there, I saw Abdul seated on the couch with his gaze fixed to the floor.

"Hannan Abdulrahim is here to see you. Babau said excusing us as he went upstairs.

"Asalamu'alaykum Hannan.

"Walaikumsalam Abdulrahim. How are you?

" Alhamdulillah. You?

"Alhamdulillah too.

"I.. I .. I missed you Hannan! Abdul said gazing down. I saw his nose turned pink.

"Uhm... I.... Missed you too Abdul. I said and looking elsewhere(mehn this is getting awkward! Okay think of something to Say and break this awkwardness.) Uhm.. how's work?

"Alhamdulillah. Great. I finally went on the business trip that I couldn't go when I was having backache.

"Ohh, did it went well?

"Yes Alhamdulillah.

"MashaAllah. I said playing with my fingertip

"I have to get going now, I have a board meeting in few hours.

"Ohh Okay. I stood up and followed Abdul to the driveway.

"I'll come and check on you Tomorrow In'sha'Allah.

"In'sha'Allah. Nango. Ojo ke dugbo we. I said gazing down. ( weird right? Actually this is my first time of speaking my language (*Igala*) to him.

"Ameen thuma Ameen he replied looking amused. Okay, Allah hafiz oyami and don't miss me too much! He said smirking as he start the engine.

"Arrrgh please! It's oyami -to- be. I.e if I'm even gonna accept the proposal. Wiggling my brows and smirking. Allah hafiz I said heading back to the house.


This chap is up,, it's kinda new seeing certain new languages right? Lol. Well the tribe is called Igala.

Igalas emerged from kogi state. Kogi state is located in the North central region of Nigeria.

I'm gonna translate some words for better understanding.

Oyami - my wife

Ojo ke dugbo we - May Allah be with you.

In'sha'Allah I'll translate more if I happen to use it in the next chapters. Erm.. You can't blame me , I'm used to speaking my language that's why. :D

🌸JazakAllah khair🌸

Asalamu'alaykum ❤️

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