Chapter 28•

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     ~~~A lady entered who should be in her early 20s. She wore a tight skin leggings and a tight gown. Her scarfs was loosely wrapped on her head which made it easier to see her hair. He lipstick color is bloody red. I was completely in shock cos I don't even know who she is. Until I realized I'm staring then gazed down and pretended to be busy with work on my pc.""" ~~~~~


"Mmm mm. She cleared her throat before speaking. "I'm zulaihat Umar. She said speaking so in business manner.

"Ohh.. Okay, have a seat. I said pointing towards the chairs.

"Thank you ' she said as she stressed the 'th ' sound'.

"How may I help you? I said still wondering why I wasn't informed that I have a guest coming into my office and supper salty about the receptionist attitude. Cos I know she might likely be the girl pops proposed to on my behalf.

"Haven't it occurred to you that I'm your future Mrs? She said bending her face towards me.

"What!?? Excuse me? There's .. There's definitely a mistake somewhere. couldn't I known my future wife ? I'm not the person you're looking for. Sorry, wrong department. I said flipping through the files and ignoring her for the fact I know what exactly she's saying.

"Do I look stupid to you?

"Uhh no. Not at all.

"Okay. I'm leaving, but watch it homeboy.. You'd run after me the very moment I leave this office. She said batting her eyelashes. I was amused.

"Seems like you want it in the hard way joker. Hard way it is. She smiled evilly and got up and slammed the door.

I was completely amused this time. Wondering what she think of herself. Astaghfurillah but she's not even half way as beautiful as Hannan I thought. Tho she looks like the classy, super chic type.. So not my type!. Moments later my phone started ringing I took it and Twas pops calling. Why would he called by now? He never called me during working hours.

"Asalamu'alaykum pops

"Walaykumsallam. Now you listen to me! You'd better go out there and make that girl feel comfortable. She's only helping you uno? Cos it's my your duty to go visit her instead she came!!! And then you're all acting up? If you really want to keep that company , GO AFTER HER!!! He screamed.

"But pops you knew she'd come and you didn't bother to tell me!? How could she bumped into my office like that! ?

"I've told you. You know what's good for you. He said and hanged off .

Dammit! What's all this about? I know pops not joking and he meant every word he said. I quickly got up and ran after the queer looking lady whom I'm supposed to be married to.

"Hey! Wait up!! As she was walking even faster down the street and heading to some boutique. 'I said slow down! Running faster after her.

I got into the boutique and sighted her speaking to some fat lady who seem to be the owner of the store. "Hey! I said panting heavily and gazing down.

"Yes. Well well well, see who's running after his wife now. She said rolling her eyes and giving me that 'told ya look.

"Whatever. You called my dad right? I asked as the fat lady stepped aside and pointed to a sofa closer to the doorway. Following the queer girl , we both sat on the sofa. Tho I tried keeping gap between us but she seem to be drawing closer to me even more, our shoulders could  touch and there's lots of space left on the edge she shifted from.

"What are you afraid of? Huh? She asked bitting her lips and looking at me.

"Uhm.. Er.. Afraid? No. No way. I'm not afraid of you! I said still shifting from her as she come closer and closer.

"Then why running from me?  I don't bite uno.

"I'm not running from you, I'm just doing what's right. Keep your distance please.. It's haram. I said looking elsewhere.

"Hahahahah. Ohh. I see... She said smirking. "OMG! look at that car!!! She said as my attention was all drawn to a passing red car, she curled her hands round my neck and gave me a hungry , deep kiss which seem so uninteresting. I was lost and the feeling of guilt over took me.

While she was doing her kissing thing I heard someone screamed my name and gapes. I could tell its Hannan's voice!!! I struggled and finally pull her off and stood up.

"Abdul!!!! Hannan was still in shock as tears flowed down her eyes.

"Please you don't understand!! It's not what it looks like! I tried explaining more as she cut me off .

"It's overrrrrrrrrrr!!!! Guys are dogs! I hate you!!!! All of you !!! I'm done. So done with everything!!! Stay away from me! Just go! As her sisters hold her and giving me the 'you're  disgusting look whist stepping out of the boutique.

I sat down and dropped my head in my hands for a while. But how did she knew I was here!? Was she stalking me? 'I raised my head again and rolling my eyes round the celling still wondering. Hell no! She had told me earlier she's going out it with Asmart and Hauwa  they might have gone  out for shopping. Arrrrgh this is so so bad! I dropped my head again .

"Don't worry about her, she's gone now. The queer girl said attempting to touch me.

"Don't! Don't touch me! Leave me alone. You've destroyed everything ! I don't even know you! I don't.  
From this moment hence forth, stay off . I said angrily rushing back to get my mobile in my office to call Hannan.

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