Chapter •2

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                •NOT EDITED •
Hey everyone as this is my first story, please read and vote .

I followed him slowly to his car. .. ohh crap! Its a Bugatti  Chiron !!! Wow he's rich! But who's he tho? he opened the door for me and I sat in the passenger seat comfortably. He sat in the drivers seat and we drove off .

I  woke up in a pink room with purple decor, I lay in a queen size bed  .. The bed was fluffy. I stood up scratching my eyes and making silly yawning sound , I walked towards the door.

I was about to open the door and heard the cracking sound of a car engine.  I quickly looked out of the window and saw a man driving off the road. Ohh great! I'm stuck in an unknown man's house . I lay back in the bed and slept off again.

  Abdulrahim 's POV

After I left my office, it was dark and raining. I drove down to the park where I used to be with my dearest love, Hafifa, she passed on two years ago but her memories are still fresh in my mind .

I slowly walk around the empty park in the rain. I saw a girl not just any girl, a crying girl! What the..? Is it my hafifa? This couldn't be a human being. She should be her! Is she back to me? Ohh my Allah I wish it's really her.

I walked slowly to the girl sitting in a corner of the park, her head in between her laps crying. I hate seeing girls cry... I wanted to console her but I'll probably make her cry more or frightened her.

I quickly moved back and hid in a block as she raised her head looking here and there. Ohh shit! I probably scared her now. She stood up and said "wh-who's there? With a cracking voice.

I didn't reply cos she might just get more frightened. Before I knew it I saw her running out of the park to a street just around the corner.

I followed her and ran after her to the street but she had gone far. I quickly jumped into my Bugatti chiron and sped off to the street.

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