Chapter 12•

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"Wake up! Lazy girl. This morning you are ugly Betty to me. I said screaming in Hannan's ears and she rolled over to the other side of the bed still pulling the duvet on herself. I angrily pulled it off her. She opened her eyes staring at me blankly.

:-What's going on? Can't I sleep peacefully again?! She said still laying down.

:-C'mon get up! We have to go somewhere today.I said still trying to pull her up.

:- Arrrghhh Nooooo. Where could be better than my beauty sleep ?

:-Ohh don't be stubborn! I said getting angry.

:- Okay.. I'm up already. Now excuse me while I go do my business. She said getting up. "Ohh great! She up at last and I went out to the garage. Let's see... Which car to ride now.. I carefully look at my cars in my garage.. A Bugatti Chiron , 2016 Ford Mustang, G wagon , 2016 Chevrolet Corvette and a Range Rover. 

I decided to ride the Bugatti since it's my favourite. I brought it out of the garage and went back inside the house. Hannan!!! We don't have the whole day! I shouted so she could hurry up and come.

"Arrhgg! I'm almost done! What's the need for the rush! She screamed. After Some minutes .. She walked down the stairs.. Wearing a black abaya and pink hijab. She looked like a diamond . I stood there staring .. Couldn't even lower my gaze anymore until she walked down to me. We stared at ourselves for a while. It was an awkward moment.. Then, I lowered my gaze and she lowered hers. "Shall we?

"Shall we what!?

"Go out now..?

"Oh. Sure .. She said heading to the door. I followed her and opened the door for her and she sat in the passenger seat I sat down and drove off. We reached the city and branched in a café to grab breakfast.

I bought a sponge cake and coffee. Then I drove off trying to keep Hannan thoughts from my head or else I might end up doing something really stupid.

"Heyy.. Hello..? Mister? Where are we going?! She asked looking a bit scared.

"Don't worry habibty I won't kidnap you. I said smirking.

"Whatevs. She replied looking bored. I continued driving until I finally reached the destination.

"Where are we? She asked with her eyes widen, "

"Home. This is my family house... Listen Hannan I'll be going on a business trip tomorrow and I'll be worried sick if you're all alone in my house. I decided to bring you over here.

"Why didn't you just tell me!? I'll be okay. You know I'm not a kid. And why will you be worried bout me!? She spat angrily. I can sense she's angry.

"Shhhh say no more. Trust me, you'll definitely get scared.. The house is too big for you. I did this for you. Thank me later. I said smirking and stepping out of the car. I opened the door for her but she sat clued to the seat. "C'mon.. Get down now will ya?

"Nooo! Even if I want to.. I can't. I don't know anyone here, besides who will you introduce me as? You know it's haram for a girl to live with a non mahram."

"Don't worry... I got this, trust me.

"Okay. She said and stepped out.

I take a good look at the mansion.. It's been years since I came there. I mean, people have their ups and downs, family issues and all. In my case, it's something different.

I know it's hard to believe but my step mothers had plotted so many evil things on me, they wanted to get rid of me cos I was the heir apparent to my dads company.

Ever since their dark secret was revelled, I've stayed away from home and my family. Now here I am standing here in front of the house that once betrayed me. Handling it the love of my life and wife to be in'sha'Allah. I took a deep breath and hold on to Hannan's hand, she normally act stiff but she held mine even tighter.

I could sense she was scared , nervous or something. We walked into the big golden door, I made a light knock and hoping they'll act nice since I came with a guest.

Amir opened the door, and screamed! Brother Abdulrahim is here!!! He was so excited to see me. It's been seven years now since I saw him. He's all grown and even had a little beard. " Salam little brother! I said hugging him. 'Walaikumsalam. How's work and everything! Come inside please. I went in and Hannan follows.

We sat down in the living room, it's still the same luscious large room with brown chair and a touch of gold. Gold and white chandelier and soft fluffy carpet. Then I saw my mum rushing towards me and hugged me even tighter and longer.

"My son.. You're back!

'Yes mami. I'm back I said smiling and happy to see my mum again. She look the same, shes even getting younger. "Where's everyone ? I asked looking around.

"Ohh they've all gone out, it's just Amir and I home now. 'Okay that's good. I said and sat down.

"Who's this angel? Mum asked looking at Hannan and rubbing her cheeks..

'Uhm... Sh.. She's my....

'Wife?! Ohh MashaAllah. She's too gorgeous and beautiful.

"No mum.. She's.. And my mum cut me off again.!

"I understand son.. We are not angry at you for not inviting us to the wedding.

"What !? No no. I haven't got married yet. If I should.. I'd invite you all! You're my family. I'll need you to share my joy you know..

'I understand dear. Okay now.. Come on sweetheart let me show you your husband to be room so you can freshen up. As she grab Hannan up by her hand.

' Uhm.. Ma, he's not... I quickly looked anyway feeling disappointed. She don't even want to act as my wife! She stared at me for a while and kept mute. Maybe she understood my feelings for her.. Maybe she doesn't.

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