Chapter 18•

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I fell off the bed and hurting my backside.  I rubbed my eyes and went straight to the bathroom to freshen up.

I walked out of the room and noticed Abdulrahim's presence in the study. I peeped and saw him going through files and files. I went straight to my personal office (the kitchen ofcos.:P) I opened the fridge and grab strawberry milkshake and toasted a bread then slumped into the sofa and put on the tv trying to understand whatever show is on.

After some minutes Abdul (ohh c'mon he's my hubby to be, I'm permitted to call whatever name *smirks*) came out looking weak and tired .

"Asalamau'alaiykum Morning habibti. He said sitting down on the sofa.

"Walaikumsalam morning Abdul I said sipping my strawberry shake .

'We really need to talk. Abdul said looking all serious.

"Talk about what? I asked putting down my smoothie cup.

"About your family, I'm sorry if I'm intruding but I want to know your family. I still want to know what happened to you that night.

"Erm.. I too want to talk to you about it. I was just waiting for us to returned home before telling you.

"Okay.. Now tell me what really happened? I promised not to judge. He said looking me straight in the eyes.

"Abdul.. It's a pretty long story, I'll only brief you and hope you'll understand cos I don't wanna talk about it.

"Okay. He said.

"During my high school days, I had fallen in love with my child hood friend, Jafar. (Abdul eyes widen and I can see he's getting upset.)

"Are you still in love with him!??? He interrupted with his silly question.

"No! ...Never. I said rolling my eyes . Now listen carefully. And DONT interrupt me again! I said sitting up on the sofa.  We were family friends.. Our parents knew about our relationship.We were good lovers.. Tho We didn't do anything haram. He inspired me a lot and thought me so many things about Islam. I grew up to love him so much. Then, during our final year in high school, he began to change and hanging out with gangsters, he was so into haram things and stopped praying. He even started avoiding me.

I tried making him talk to me but all went in vein. My family somehow had planned I'll get married to Jafar after graduating from high school so that we won't eventually commit any sin even if we get to the uni. I started hearing rumours in school that Jafar goes out with Miranda, a girl who always force herself on Jafar and always humiliates me cos she's jealous I was his lover.

"Wow okay continue.

"On the day of the graduation ceremony, I didn't see Jafar through out the day. After the ceremony was over. I went out in search of him cos I was worried why he would ever missed his own graduation ceremony. I bumped into hanifa, my best friend who told me Jafar was making out with Miranda in the hallway. I didn't believe her at first but later saw Jafar holding Miranda's waist and kissing her lustfully.

Then I realised it was all true. I ran out of the school,  I knew my parents had planned the wedding already, I don't want to let them down by rejecting the proposal they've fixed for me. We are family friends and I don't wanna break that relationship as well, cos I know he'll continue hurting me forever if I get married to him. That was why I ran to the park that night. Abdul looked terrified as tears flowed down my cheeks.

I was badly hurt that night, I can't help it but cry each time I think about it.

"How dare he hurt you!!! You're too good for the idiot! I'm glad you didn't fool yourself and marry him you'd be hurt throughout the marriage. As he enveloped me into a bear hug. I continued crying until I fell asleep in his arms.

The rest if the day passed in blur

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