chapter 41.

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*under editing*

Salam guys! I'm deeply so sorry it took so long for me to update😤😫 Anyhow I hope you enjoy this short chapter.. better than nothing at all uno 😉 Ps.. I really really do appreciate your feedbacks and votes! 🎉 just say anything at all about the story😔😶😶

The naming ceremony went epic just as I wanted. My babies were named Abdullah, Aliya and Almas. Gradually I got used to being a mother. I barely sleep at night and wake up as early as possible to bath the babies and make breakfast.

Although Abdulrahim was very supportive, he helped a lot especially changing the babies dappers, rocking them gently to sleep and even bathing them mostly. He took 5months off from work and handed over to his secretary Helen. For some reason I still feel salty about her.

As time goes on I felt I wasn't dedicated to my babies still. That made me depressed, I cried a lot in the bathroom so Rahim won't notice that I've been crying. this went on for a month. With rahim's endless advices and support, I got used to motherhood.

After the loud baby crys I finally put Almas and Aliya to sleep. But Abdullah kept on crying.

"While rocking him in my arms. constantly telling him to stop crying as if he could understand what I'm saying, rahim walked in and kissed almas and aliya cheeks. "Hey big buddy. He said and took Abdullah from me. Babe Whats wrong with him?He asked worried.

" I don't know He kept on crying and scratching. we need to get the eczema cream I said examining Abdullah's skin.

"Yeah I noticed that too. But what causes excess eczema tho? Rahim said. I shrugged off figuring out what could cause it.

Soon Abdullah fell asleep. Rahim hugged me from the back and burried his face into my shoulder. " can you believe this three angles are mine? He said as we stared at our little ones sleeping peacefully.

"Hem.. 'Ours you mean,, I said rolling my eyes.

"Ha! I got you he said smirking.

"Argh quit being cocky. I said removing his hands from my waist and went to the kitchen. Then I discovered my rice almost got completely burnt!

"Damn Rahim!! I yelled out from the kitchen. He quickly rushed in looking panicking.

"What has happened?" He asked with eyes wide opened. I rolled my eyes and pointed towards the almost burnt food. "Cant you smell something burning I said

"Bravo! You did it again. He sarcastically said clapping his hands.I rolled my eyes

"Move aside mate. I tell you I was timing my food. It wouldn't have burnt if you didnt throw all your emotions on my shoulders. He deadpanned.

"Oh really? Its my fault now? He said pouting.

"Hell yeah ! I said placing breadslice on the rice to improve the taste.

Oh I nearly forgot to tell you my mum called this morning. She wanted us to join them for dinner tonight with my relatives its like a little family get together she said.

"Awwn really? That's nice

"Yeah.. we'll go after Salah isah.

"Okay I hope your step mothers won't create any scene. I huffed

"Uhm who cares babe. We are there to enjoy ourselves anyways he said and kissed me on the forehead before heading to nursery and check the babies.

After isah sallah , I briskly started making the babies ready. They kept on whining and crying which drives me nuts!! I picked little almas up whilst she kept pinching her face with her tiny fingernails and upsetting herself even more. "Shhhh its okay .. stop crying I said and looked over to Rahim who seems to be having nice time dressing Abdullah and aliya.

"And there! Rahim said tying up his shoes. 'Hey you need help with almas? He said while zipping Aliya's pink Minnie mouse gown.

"I just don't know what's wrong with her I said frustrated at my failed attempt to make her stop.

"Hey princess.. what you whining and crying he said and took her from me. She kept mute and look as though she could understand what hes saying. "You want dada to dress you up? Okay cos thats what you gonna get. Rahim said in his baby like voice.

I silently sat down on the bed and stared at Abdullah and Aliya Looking so carefree and playing with their toes. I smiled weakly touching their cheeks. I was interrupted by Almas loud laugher. She's laughing now? I turned to look and be sure. I saw a true father holding his little girl, and knows exact way to her heart. Im supposed to feel overwhelmed by this beautiful scene before me.

"Hey babe look who's happy now. Rahim said facing happy looking Almas to me.

"Yeah.. shes sure Happy I replied smiling sadly. Soon I felt warm tears making way down my cheeks. I'll never be good enough for my babies!!! I'm their mom! But.. it seems I'm not good enough for them! I uncontrollably started sobbing.

"Babe whats wrong? Confused looking Rahim asked and sat down close to me.

"Ra-Rahim ! I'm not goo-ood enough! I managed to say through my hiccups.

"What are you talking about?! He asked still dumbfounded and wiping my tears.

"I'm not good enough for my babies!!! Can't you see! They aint used to me, there's not mother-child vibe or whatsoever between us! I yelled sobbing hard. Rahim was speechless for a while staring at me deadpanned.

"Hey... He Said putting laying Almas close to Aliya while they kept blabbering stuffs. 'Its gonna be alright. I understand what you saying, sometimes babies tend to neglect their moms. I stared at him with wide eyes.

"Really? I said.

"Yes, it happens. But then you'll always be their mom. And I bet you're the best mom they'll always have, besides they're just babies uno he said smiling. And you don't need to take their babish attitude seriously. He said and I smiled weakly looking at them playing.

We both stared at them for a while. Astagfurullah ya Allah. How could I ever be this silly! Please dear God.. forgive my ignorance. I silently make dua.

Rahim kissed me on my forehead and bear hugged me. I moved over to my babies "hey ladies and gentleman. I said playing with their cheeks.

I stayed there for a while whist they blab stuffs I do not understand but played along. Soon Rahim got dressed in a navyblue longsleeve and pair of black jean.

"You should probably go get ready he said.

"Oh yeah sure I should. I replied.

I sat in the dresser and started doing my makeup. I did my brows perfectly, and my everyday face routine I.e foundation and concealer.

When I'm done baking my face, I walked over to my closet and picked out a Maroon maxi skirt, red satin long sleeve, black hijab and my black strap heels and picked out my Michael kors hand bag which I filled with baby wipes and my other essentials.

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