Chapter 17•

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Abdulrahim's back ache was finally gone, Alhamdulillah. I no longer have to carry all his weight on my shoulders cos I was having shoulder ache as well.

I was running out of outfits tho aisha had been lending me hers ever since I got here. I noticed Abdulrahim's attitude with his step mothers lately, he doesn't greet them properly, he only say Salam and walk pass them.

I always wonder what those two women had done to him tho they seemed mean and hate me a lot. When we were about going for shopping for clothes.

I came downstairs before Abdulrahim. His step mother Yaya siyama gave me a dirty look which I couldn't take it anymore! I didn't know when I spoke up. "Ma, why are you looking at me like that? What have I done to you ever since I got here!? Forgive me if I had wronged you in anyway. 'what's going on? Abdulrahim asked interrupting me.

'Well you ask your step mom what I did to her that she hates me so much. I said facing Abdulrahim.

"She hates you? Yaya siyama! Why so much hate? You barely know this girl! Simply because you almost had me doesn't mean you'll succeed in her. Stay away from her.

She's not here for you. He said angrily. C'mon let's go! He pulled me away with him heading outside to the car.

"She almost had you? I don't get it. Yaya siyama hates you too? I asked him. he ignored me and kept driving. 'Hey! Talk to me! I need to know what's going on. I said again sitting up on the passenger seat.

"You don't need to know now. It's nothing. Just a mere family issues. He said smirking but I know he's really upset. After a while we got to a boutique where I'm supposed to get clothes from. I stepped down and he held my hand as we walked into the boutique.

At a corner stood some guys staring lustfully at me. I ignored them while going through the abayas and picking matching scarfs. When I was done, i placed them on the salegirl's desk and Abdulrahim handed me his black card and went outside the boutique to receive a call.

My eyes widen as I saw the card.. The salesgirl winked at me when the transaction was done and said he's a billionaire and I'm a lucky girl. I smiled and she handed me my clothes in an expensive looking shopping-bag.  I was heading to the hallway when one of those guys blocked me. I froze feeling nervous.

'Habibty., where are you rushing to? He said smirking at me. He looked well built and his accent sounded like an India. I ignored him trying to move away as he grabbed my wrist. I tired to let go of his hands but couldn't . 'Stay away from me!!! Let go off my wrist!! I screamed and Abdulrahim bumped in and punched him in the face then I ran outside as he grabbed by his collar..

'Stay away from my wife! Don't you ever ever in your life come close to her or stare at her again!! He spat angrily. For some reason I felt butterflies in my tommy .. Awwwn my hero. 

Abdulrahim  came outside and held my hands tight.. We reached the car and I slumped down in the passenger seat my hands still shaking. He sat down and gently rubbed my cheeks while tears began flowing down my face.

'Don't worry about those bastards , I'm always here for you. And he began wiping away my tears.

I nodded and smiled sadly. He drove off. When we arrived home, Aisha stood at the door grinning and hugging me.

Well we were more like good friends ever since I came here, I mostly stay up late in her room and we watch Zeeworld, Indian series and mostly vampire diaries. We shared so many things, she told me about the proposal that came for her a day before we arrived and how she had agreed on marrying the guy cos he was so handsome and was a gentleman. 

We got inside, and I performed my pending sallah while Abdulrahim went to a masjid nearby.

After dinner I was on my way to Aisha's room when I bumped into Yaya siyama, she still got this whole dirty looks plastered on her face each time she sees me . "Sorry.. I murmured and went my way. She stood there until Allah knows when.

I got to Aisha's room and she was sketching out a gown. 'Ohh my Allah! You sketch too ? I said grinning.

"Yes! I do , wbu? '

"Sketching is my hobby I said leaning over the bed . 'Hey.. What's sup with Yaya siyama? I mean she hates me a lot! I Dunno why. I said rolling my eyes.

'Ohh don't mind her dear. She's gotten an attitude problem and doesn't know how to relate with guests.

'She better learn how!  Cos I won't be a guest for long.

'Yes sure future miss Abdulrahim! She said wiggling her brows and I blushed.

'Haha funny, aisha.

Hannan!! Hannan!! I think Abdulrahim is calling me from downstairs.. I'd better go to him.

'Na'aam , what's wrong? "

" we're leaving!

"Leaving? Is everything alright?

"Yes, pack your bags I'll tell you everything in the car.

"Okay. I climbed upstairs and went straight into our room, packed my bags. Then decided to say goodbye to aisha.

"Aisha we're leaving.

"So soon? I thought you guys will leave tomorrow.

"That's what I thought too.. Abdulrahim is really upset and I dunno what's wrong with him.

"Don't worry, Allah will see you through. She gave me a hug after a While I pulled away.

"Allah Hafiz.

"Allah Hafiz habibti. She said looking sad.

I walked out, heading to Abdulrahim's place in the sitting room but he wasn't there , Yaya siyama points towards the direction of the door to me, I nodded and said Allah Hafiz as I bid them goodbye.

The car ride was boring, he didn't tell me anything and my curious ears were eagerly waiting on hearing the whole story.

"Hey..? Is you here with me? I said pointing myself.

"Yeah.. Why?

"You're mute and don't wanna talk to me about what just happened. I said looking outside the car window.

"Ohh okay. So my step mothers wants me dead.

"What! Why? I said shocked.

"I dunno.. Maybe it's because of the company I inherited or the hatred they have for my mum. He said sighing.

"That's really bad! In'sha'Allah they will never ever succeed. I said feeling bad and scared.

'We got home around 9pm, I took a quick shower, went to bed and I dozed off instantly.

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