Chapter 40

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Wow one fast down 💃🏼🙇🏼 iftarr Kareem people 😘😘😘
Cant wait for Eid🙃😬 excuse moi lemme speak my mind 🙄
Anywayssssss,it seems like I've never been able to update this frequent😬so I deserve an applause😒*pats myself on the back*   😌😌😌

Vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter. I love all of your comments so much tbh😘💓


Just breathe ' the doctor said while I felt my whole body weakens. I felt all of the blood draining from my face. 'Oh my God! We're loosing her ' I faintly heard dr nazar telling the nurses and I can feel myself being laid down in the bed. Quickly she fixed the oxygen mask on.

Few minutes later which seems like hours I woke up. "You're ready now! Dr nazar said yelling for a nurse. But it's only one nurse on the floor. And two women giving birth; Me and a woman being prepared for a c section. SubhanAllah. I was so much in awe. Like me??? I should've been all prepared up for a c section. I breathe out feeling a twinkle little relieved.

The doctor pulled Rahim into the room. What is she doing!? Ya Allah what is Rahim doing here!! This is the most awkward moment ever!!! Yeah I know he's my husband but I feel extra uncomfortable being undressed or naked even before him. Damn. It's not that bad. I just need to get this child delivery done with. So I relaxed back on the bed while Rahim walked in awkwardly but alarmed.

"Hannan! Dr nazar barked like a drill  sergeant" listen good okay? When I say push, I need you to bear down like you are having a bowel movement and don't let up! Do you understand? The doctor said while I just nodded. Rahim was told to hold my leg to my chest and I try to hold the other but was too tired and couldn't. 'Hold your leg please just try! Dr nazar begged . But I just couldn't.

She went and grabbed the nurse to hold the leg for me while I began to push. This time I pushed with all my might, with all the energy left in me. I was  champion pusher! The doctor and nurse stared at each other with smile plastered on their faces remarking on how well I'm pushing. "Babe you're doing good' Rahim kept whispering into my ears. I felt the urge to punch him in the face! Why is he not sharing my pain ? Ya Allah why???? I murmured while pushing still.

"Come on! Push harder! doctor nazar and nurse Yelled in chorus. I began to moan and cry in frustration. "Why are they yelling at me? I said all emotional. Rahim I've been putting every bit of energy I have into every pushing. Please God why?? I thrown my head back in the bed and began sobbing.

"Dear this isn't time to cry, doctor said while patting my back. The nurse began giving me all sorts of igala praises  yup! The nurse is an igala lady. I regained my energy and began pushing harder than ever.

The babies crowned after about 40 minutes but I didn't get much relief and focused on getting them out real quick. A few more push and a head was out, the doctor clear the mouth and nose and it was fully out. "Alhamdulillah! Congratulations!! It's a girl! She said while handing the baby over to the nurse and she clean her up in a towel. I stared at Rahim with tears in my eyes, this time I've forgotten all the pains I've felt, this time I knew it was worth it or more than. "You did it! Alhamdulillah! Rahim said with tears too in his eyes as he kissed by forehead.

Pushing this time became a lot easier, I mean just a bit shot in and another baby's head was out. Dr nazar clear the mouth and nose and pull it out.

"Alhamdulillah! It's a boy! She said with so much joy in her eyes. Wow Hannan you're doing great! Alright just one more push she said. "Okay ! I put it all my best and pushed the baby out instantly. "Wow!! Bravo Hannan! Bravo! All hail Hannan!!! Dr nazar began singing and teasing. Such a beautiful girl.. She said staring at the baby. And.. we're done for this tenure she teased while cleaning up the baby herself. " what? No we do for real!? I'm not birthing any baby anymore I said shaking my head. "Hahah' we'll see. Dr nazar said.

"Alu kume ka der! Amma mer dabi wa bio Oma omunè ge! (That's what we hear all the time but you'll still come back for another child delivery!) the nurse said shaking her head and laughing while cleaning my son.  Rahim laughed along too though his igala is not  what I'd say is perfect but hey! living with me all this while he understands igala perfectly but can't speak it fluently yet.  " Sure babe, I won't wanna see you in so much pain like this everrr again. But the nurse might be right he winked

"Oh you joker! I said and rolled my eyes looking away from him. I stare up thanking Allah for the billonth time and let out a fresh tears of joy. Rahim wipe off my tears. And kissed my forehead.

Ta daaaa!!!  Phew our Hannan has finally birth her babies! *throws confetti all over💃🏼🎉🎊
Let's parrry babies *singing in jack sparrow 's voice*☺️

Anyhow I hope y'all enjoyed this, if you do? Comment/like/share.😊😊😊😊😊😌🙂💓
And if you don't☹️😪... Still comment/like/share. Just tell me where I went wrong 😭😭😭😭

P.s I'll thoroughly edit all the chapters In'sha'Allah.. So be warned incase of late update☹️ but will still try and write short updates even 🤗 ILY'all and thanks for reading my book💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Your gurl,
Hannatullahi.😉 x

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