Chapter 39

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Ramadan Mubarak to all my fellow Muslim readers and writers!  Errrr I'm still wondering 🤔🤔🤔 do you guys want me to keep updating during Ramadan? Or.. I should pause? Do let me know 😘💕

| Hannan's POV |

"So what do we do?! Rahim said extremely worried.

"Right now a C section is the only option left. Dr nazar said shaking her head and glaring at me.

My eyes is filled with more tears. I began crying non stop and screaming. No!! I don't want to birth my babies through a C section! I'm strong enough! Please Allah!! I cried out to my Lord while Rahim rushed and hugged me tight whispering "it's gonna be alright " to me while I let down hot tears.

"Rahim I  don't want anything to ha-happen to my babies please! I said sobbing hard. Rahim pulled out from the hug and cup my face with his hands. "Look at me? He said looking me straight in the eyes. I could see pain in his eyes. "Nothing is going to happen to our babies In'sha'Allah. Just have faith in Allah. He said and placed a kiss ok my forehead. I closed my eyes letting his words sink in.

"Okay  Hannan a walk around the hospital will be helpful. Dr nazar said.

I wiped away my tears which seem to flow more and more. Rahim helped me up and held my hands and I take baby steps existing dr nazar 's office.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. A C section is so dangerous and harmful to women especially during first pregnancy. Ohh my babies! If  this is the only way I'm bringing you to this world, so be it! I picked up a bit courage while walking the hospital Hallway. I ignored Rahim talking in the background. My thigh pain kept increasing by every step I take.

"Rahim please let me rest for a while I said rubbing my knees gently.

"Oh sure babe. As he sat me on a chair close to the receptionist.

Rahim began massaging my thigh gently which relieved the pain a lot.

"What do you think about the c section  ? I asked giving him a questioning stare.

"Babe it's fine if that's how Allah wills, if only I could take your pain, I'd take it all. I need you to be strong for our babies, for me.

I smiled sadly and rested my head on his chest feeling his heart beating fast. That made me worried. "It's okay Rahim, I got this. I said giving him a genuine smile this time to ease his pain also.

"Thank you babe. He said smiling.

Dr nazar called us to her office again saying theres another option which can possibly work.  Inducement injection. It will make you go into an early labour which is fine, cos if the C section or the inducement procedures isn't carried out, then they'll be a big problem.

Rahim turned to me and giving me the "can you do this stare? I simply shrugged off cos I was ready to do anything, anything possible enough to bring my babies into the world and be free from this pain and suffering.

"Yes, it should just be fine. I said facing the doctor. 

"Okay then. She said and ordered some nurse to bring the hospital gown.

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