Chapter 42

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We arrived at Rahim's parents house a bit too early. Everyone were busy setting up the garden where the dinner is held.

The men circled around the barbecue, talking and sound of laugher filled the air.

"Shall we? Rahim said and led the way to the garden. I followed Rahim to where the men are and greeted his father who gave me a sour reply. I said Salam to the rest of the men and left there. Rahim glare at his dad and followed me.

"Babe don't let him get to you. He said holding my hands.

"Its so hard Rahim. I'll try I replied smiling sadly. Rahim went back to his father and I sense he was telling him what he did was wrong.

I was heading over to the kitchen to help out when I saw my mother in law coming out.

"Look who's here, my mother in law said hugging me and collecting aliya from my hand.

"Asalamu'alaykum. I greet her.

"Wallaykumsallam hayatee. She said. 'Where's your husband? He's.. I said as my eyes searched for him.

"There he is, I said pointing towards the barbecue section where men were gathered. After Rahim exchanged pleasantries with his brothers, he came over to his mum and greeted her.

"Where is almas and Abdullah? His mum asked.

"Almas is with dad and Abdullah is with hafsah he said.

"Okay I'm going inside now to see the rest of my beautiful grandchildren. Bless you my child. She said rubbing my cheeks and went back to the house.

"Asalam hayatee! Aisha said coming from the kitchen hugged me. I'm so happy to see you sister hannan!

"Awwn habibti I'm happy too. But just hold on, I'm upset alright? You didn't even visit me frequently anymore I said and placed my hands on my chest pretending to be hurt.

"Ouch sister Uni caged me this days. I promise I'll make it up to you. She said and we both smiled.

"Come lets go where the ladies are she Said. I looked over to Rahim.

"See you later babes he said and pecked me on the cheeks.

We got to the kitchen where the girls were busy cooking and chopping vegetables. I said salams to them and Aisha kept introducing me as Rahim's wife to those who didnt attend our nikka.

"Rahim sure has a good taste. One of his cousin sisters, munia said and winking. I blushed while cutting the onion rings. They all chuckled.

"Yeah! She's a beauty. I wonder why I missed his nikka. Another cousin sister, Samira said.

"Yeah. Whatever! Sadiya his step sister Said and rolled her eyes. She always have beef with me right from time, some people are naturally salty.

"But we can't deny it! She is, Rahim other step sister, Jawdah said in defence.

"Yeah! And kind hearted too. They all said in chorus. I kept mute not wanting to utter a word.

"Are you Indian ? Hanis asked politely.

"Oh no dear, Arab -Nigerian. I said.

"Oh wow Taslime said. I smiled and nodded.

"We are so Happy to have you here sweetie, where are our triplets? Zainab, Rahim's brother's wife, Mubarak. asked

"Jazak Allah sister. Theyre sleeping inside I replied smiling.

"While chopping the vegetables with sadiya who kept glaring at me. Why she hate me tho? Oh goodness. I sighed.

"Ouch! Sadiya yelp which brought me back to reality.

"What happened I asked confused.

"The knife cut my finger she said holding her injured finger.

"Let's see I said examining how deep it is. It's not that bad I said. Sorry dear. Wait here I'll go get first aid kit. I said and stood up going to the bathroom.

"Looking for something? Hafsah asked wanting to help me.

"Oh no no. I want to go get first aid kit. The knife cut sadiya's finger I said.

"Oh sorry, they said and looking at her injured finger. I brought the first aid kit and dressed her wound.

"There, it won't hurt much again. I said and smiled.

"Youre being nice to me even if Im not nice to you? She asked feeling guilty. I smiled and nodded.

"Why!? She asked with her brows raised.

"Dear, that's the behaviour of our beloved Nabi SAW.  just like a tree people throw stones at but it produces sweet fruits for them. We shouldn't be bitter with one another, beloved Nabi preaches love and peace. I said rubbing her cheeks gently.

"She nodded and tears streaming down her face. 'I'm sorry. She kept saying. Please sister hannan, will you forgive me? She said still crying. The girls attention was on us now,

"Ofcos dear, I have I said and she stood up and hugged me.

"Wow! That was amazing! Zainab said.

"MashaAllah the girls said and hugged each other.

"Sister hannan your beautiful ways had taught us more about love. Hanis said and hugged me.

Everyone went back to what there were doing, sadiya and I continued chopping the vegetables. She kept on smiling at me this time and I smiled back.

"Where's ya latifa and ya siyama? I asked aisha.

"Who cares. She whispered.

when we finished cooking, We served the food, I made the salad which is so mashaAllah. Everyone gathered at the table, I sat next to Rahim. The babies were all sleeping in my mother in law's bedroom so it's a me-time.

"This is so delicious! His dad said chewing his food. Hannan did you make this? He asked smiling at me. I looked surprised, father in law gave me a sour welcome few minutes ago, why is he suddenly nice. I quickly glanced at Rahim who smiled at me.

"No father in law zainab made it, I made salad. I replied smiling.

"Ohh the salad taste delicious as well. He said, boy am I not one lucky father in law? My daughter in laws are great cooks too. He said smiling at Zainab, Taslime, who is Muaz's wife. I looked over and saw ya siyama and ya latifa glaring at father in law. When their eyes met mine I gave them a bitter glare and rolled myself. Give up! Its not your day. I felt irritated by their attitude.

"Rahim I need to check on the babies I said and excuse myself. Why rushing to the house I bumped into someone.

"I'm so-sorry I wasnt looking. I said. And looked up.

" Hannan!!!! What are you doing here??? He said staring at me with his eyes widened.

I stood shocked. My legs no longer functions. My eyes felt teary but I didn't let it out.

Ta daa da da!

Who do you think hannan bumped into??? Well I'll leave you to that for now 😏😏😏

Do comment/vote/share.💕

-Hannan's conscience😙

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