Chapter 15•

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Abdulrahim 's POV

I stopped the alarm and got up for fajr. I felt sharp pain in my spinal cord guess it's because I slept on the floor. I looked at Hannan as she was sleeping like a baby. 

I leaned over to the bed about to wake her up and the thought of last night bumped into my head. Maybe I should probably leave her alone cos she obviously need some space. 

But then it's prayer we're talking about! 'Hey... Hanny wake up.. I said. She opened her eyes and smiled widely at me. My heart stopped beating for a while! Wondering why she was smiling at me after what happened last night .

"Good morning.. She said still smiling..

"Erm.. Morning angel.. I replied still dumbfounded.

'Is it time for fajr?

"Yes. I'm about going to masjid and decided to wake you before going.

" thank you so much ' she said giggling.
What's wrong with her? What could possibly make her this happy?  She stood up and went to the bathroom when I left to the masjid.

When I returned I saw Hannan making breakfast with my mum and aisha, my mum normally makes breakfast immediately after fajr so everyone will eat and go back to sleep.  I bowed and greeted my mum.. 'How was your night?

'Fine mum.. Alhamdulillah. I said

'Your wife is a good cook! My mum said  smiling and rubbing Hannan's shoulder.

Hannan blushed and grinned at me. 'mami so I can't cook again ba? Aisha complained feeling jealous and wiping away fake tears. I smiled and went into my room.

I lay in bed thinking of how Hannan's happy face made my heart filled with joy.

Then I heard a knock on the door. Come in I said sitting up on the bed. Hannan stepped in and told me breakfast is served. 'Okay.. Thank you I said making an attempt to stand but I couldn't.

My back aches so bad. I groaned in pain as I sat down again. She rushed to me and suddenly looked worried. 'What's wrong? She asked.

'Nothing  special. It's just a mere pain in my back.. I said cos i don't want her to worry about me.

"What happened to your back! ? She asked sitting next to me.

"Uhm... Nothing I dunno. I said looking elsewhere. In order to avoid her asking more questions, I asked her to bring my breakfast to the room cos I can't go downstairs.

"Okay.. Sit here. She said pointing to the edge of the bed,took a pillow and used it to support my back as I leaned on the wall. She went out and brought my breakfast. Twas egg, bread and coffee.

I ate it and she returned the plate to the kitchen. " how are you feeling now?

" it's fine now I said smiling so she won't be worried.

'okay. So... What was that all about  ? Why can't you tell your parents the truth about me? Don't you know they'll eventually find out?  

I remained mute.. I was confused but she's right! I lied without thinking about all that. I'm not even good at lying!

"Hannan .. You're right.  I hate lying, I had no choice.. I've never lied to my parents before... Not even a white lie. I don't want my parents to seem disappointed.

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