Chapter •9

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This morning, I woke up late as usual cos I'm not the type to stay up after fajr prayer. I stood up and stretched all the living bones in my body. I walked slowly to the bathroom and do my business. Then brushed, shower and came out to the room. I opened the closest and picked up a yellow skirt with pink flowering designs, a cream colour long sleeve top, and a pink pashmina.

I wore my clothes, pinned my hijab and applied makeup. I opened the door and walked slowly down the stairs.. I think I noticed someone in the kitchen.. Who's there ? Abdulrahim is probably at work.

I tiptoed to the kitchen and saw the most hottest guy ever shirtless in the kitchen and cooking breakfast !! Ohh my Allah! Is that Abdulrahim ? He's bloody hot! Look at those muscles and abs! I'm gonna die! He turned back and caught me staring.

Hey sleeping beauty.. You awake already?

No I'm still sleeping. I said rolling my eyes.

Haha you're trouble! You know that?

Yes! Ofcos I replied sitting down on the dining chairs in the kitchen.
Whatchu making? I asked couldn't resist the aroma of the food he was cooking.

I'm making Akara (beans cake) and pap.

Wow what an healthy breakfast! I said giggling. He leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear.. 'Thank you for the tasty dinner you made for me... If I was some light skinned my face would turned pink instantly.

I smiled .. And he pointed at me and said.. 'There it goes again !! What? I asked looking confused. 'Your dimples baby! Ohh mine! Did he just called me baby? He likes my odd looking dimples!?? Wow wow wow !! Unbelievable!

I giggled out of words . When he finished cooking, he served the Akara balls , mine first and asked me to taste it. I bite one and loved every bite!!! It's so tasty! I said and he giggled and smirks. Ohh no no don't feel yourself too much! It ain't half as tasty as mine ! I said raising my brows.

Haha you're jealous! Bet mine taste greater than yours! He said still giggling. Now miss.. Where do you come from? You're obviously an African lady.. Which of the Africa countries do you come from?

I'm a Nigerian but I grew up here in Dubai. I said

Ohh that's nice. I'm also a Nigerian, My mum's an Arab and my dad is a Nigerian.

Wow no wonder your eyes are breath taking and skin colour.. I murmured.

Haha.. You're really funny. So tell me, where are your parents? Why were you all alone that night ? Don't you have siblings or friends? Or family members?

I made a fake cough sound and he handed me a glass of water which I drank all. And told him I don't wanna talk while eating.

Okay.. Sorry dear. Just finish up your food okay?

Yeah sure I said smiling and he smirked.

Abdulrahim's POV
I woke up at fajr, I performed it and headed to the study. After I checked some work and discovered that there isn't much work to do today, I decided to spend more time with my hannan. Well.. She's not mine yet tho. But soon InshaAllah. I went straight to my room and showered . I normally don't wear shirts on weekends or anytime I'm not going to work. I went to Hannan's room and she was sleeping on the prayer mat.

I quietly closed the door and went straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for my girl(well soon to be) while cooking I noticed someone standing at my back. I turned and saw an angel standing and staring at me. Hehe I can tell from her stares that she's feeling me. Hey sleeping beauty.. You awake already? I said smirking.

"No. I'm still sleeping she said rolling her eyes. Ohh this girl! Everything she does constantly brings out her beauty !! haha.. You're trouble! You know that? I said giggling.

"Yes ofcos! She replied sitting down on one of the dining chairs in the kitchen. Whatchu making? The She asked giggling

"I'm making Akara ( beans cake) and pap. I said

"Wow! What an healthy breakfast! She said giggling. I leaned closer to her and said thanks for the tasty dinner she made for me. She blushes and smiled. There it goes again! I said not minding her reaction at all.

"What!? She asked looking confused. Your dimples baby! I said pointing at her cheeks. She giggled and blushed.

"When I'm done cooking, I served her first and asked her to taste it. She bite it making the I want more of this face! It's so tasty! She said and I giggled and smirked.

"Ohh no no don't feel yourself too much!! It ain't half as tasty as mine! She said raising her brows.

"Haha you're just jealous! Bet mine taste greater than yours! I said still giggling. Now miss.. Where do you come from? You're obviously an African lady.. Which Africa countries do you come from ?

"I'm a Nigerian but I grew up here in Dubai she replied."

"Ohh that's nice! I'm a Nigerian too but my mum's Nigeria. And she murmured something about my eyes and skin color and I laughed and told her she's funny.So tell me.. Where are your parents!? Why were you all alone that night? Don't you have siblings? Or friends? Or family members? I said and her face suddenly changed. And she started coughing. I handed her a glass of water.

She drank it all and told me she don't wanna talk while eating. "Okay,,, sorry dear. Just finished up your food okay? Yeah sure she said smiling and I smirked and she blushed.

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