Chapter 19•

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Hannan's POV

I heard a light knock on my door cos I had just woken up and still laying down lazily. "Who's there? Well Ofcos it's Abdul. Goodness what does he want tho. I said getting up and wrapping my hijab. I opened the door and saw Abdul all dressed up in a V neck gray top and sky blue jeans trousers. 'Ohh now what do we have here? I said checking him out and rolling my eyes.

"We're going to see your parents. He said smirking.

"My parents? What for?

"To make things up with them

"They're my parents, and I'll decide when I wanna make things up with them. I'm just not ready now.. I said smiling sadly.

"Ofcos you're! And we're going now.

"How can you be so sure? They're hot tempered people, I'm sure they've gone miles in search of me, wasted time and money. It's not right for me to put them Into situations like that. I feel so sorry for them. I said turning back to the room. Abdul grab my wrist and look me straight in the eye.

"You can do this. Trust me, okay? He said smiling.

'Okay I said huffing.

"Get ready quickly cos we leave in 5. He said illustrating it with his fingers and making funny faces. I laughed and closed the door and went straight to the bathroom.

After a soothing shower , i picked out a flowering maxi skirt and pink long sleeve top and match it with a pale pink scarf. I got dressed and did a light make up cos I knew I'm gonna cry if I get to my parents.

I went out of the room and walked slowly down the stairs. Abdul had already seated in the car. Why is he so interested in me getting along with my parents like his life depends on that! ?
I huff and slumped into the passenger seat of the Range Rover.

We drove for an hour and I was busy giving him directions to my house. After a while we finally reached there. He quickly dropped down and opened the car door for me as I was still glued to my seat. It's kind of my thing tho, I won't wanna drop or move to a place i don't wanna go.

"Hannan trust me.. It's gonna be fine. He said smiling delighted. I dropped down and made my way to the door. I breathe in and out slowly trying to get myself together. And knocked on the door.

I saw my favorite round chubby face who opened the door, Hauwa my immediate younger sister, she haven't changed an inch, her chubby cheeks, huge eyes, tiny nose and plumped lips are still the same. She stood surprised for a while and shouted out my name and hugged me so tight. 'Awww my tomato! Well that's what I call her. You haven't changed ! I said kissing her chubby cheeks and pinching it.

"Sister Hannan! Where have you been? What happened! She said and her eyelid filled with tears.

"Shhhh .. Don't cry tomato, I'll tell you everything later cos I really wanna see dad and mum. I said smiling at her and wiping away tears from her eyes.

"Don't call me that! She slightly punched my shoulder.

I followed her inside, the living room is still as it was, a moderate beautiful sitting room filled with colors and colors. I bet my younger sisters did that. I sat down on the sofa and noticed Abdul is not with me. I stood and looked outside the window and saw him seating in the car. I went out and dragged him inside. He's really a shy fellow to be honest.

Few minutes later my parents both came out hugging me and my mum crying and kissing my cheeks and forehead. My siblings Aisha, Hauwa, Asmart, Abdulhamid,Abdulhadi and Anas all came hugging me, and punching me Ofcos the boys do that. It's an awkward moment but I love it. I've missed them so much.

"Habibty! We thought we lost you! Mum said sitting on the sofa.

"Well mum Alhamdulillah I'm okay and none of you loose me. I said trying to hold back my tears.

"What happened to you? And who's this young fellow with you? Dad said pointing towards Abdul.

"I briefly summarized everything that happened to my parents and surprisingly they understood well. So dad this is Abdulrahim Omar. He was the one that helped me out on that night as I was shattered and hurt and lost control of myself. He gave me shelter and wallahi he's a nice good Muslim brother. I said gazing down.

"Young man.. JazakAllah for helping my daughter, as you can see, she mean the world to me. If you didn't help her that night, only Allah knows what could have happened to her. SubhanAllah.

"You don't need to thank me sir, it's my duty to help a fellow Muslim in need. Abdul said smiling and gazing down.

"Well this calls for a celebration! Girls let's go make a delicious dinner. Mum said heading to the kitchen and we followed her. I washed my hands and noticed the kitchen even look more beautiful than before. It's clean and the wallpaper had been changed to a peach white design. Looks like they had such a great time without me! While I was gone! *sigh*

Don't stand there looking around! Help me chop the veggies. Aisha, my not so cool elder sister screamed directly into my ears and I was brought back to reality.

"Don't shout on her like that! She needs to rest. Mum said pointing the spoon she was using to turn the soup at aisha. I giggled and smirked while I sat on the dinning chair in the kitchen comfortably and chopping the veggies.

When dinner was served, Everyone gathered at the dinning room including Abdul as he was constantly gazing down during the meal.

My loud family were all quite while digging in the food. I bet the delicious meal has taken their souls away. Mum then spoke up by asking about Abdul's family and all. After their little chat, she requested me to spend a week here if it's okay for Abdul.

Somehow he has a control over me even my parents thinks so. Weird right? He accepted and offered to bring some of my stuffs over from his house the next day.

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