Chapter 16•

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Hannan's POV

Ever since we got to Abdulrahim's family house, things are becoming slightly different. At first I worried about not being able to fit in or his family members might disapprove me. But I was wrong, it turned out well Alhamdulillah.

Even though I was very angry because he didn't tell me we were going to his family house and also he was going for a business trip.

Yesterday, Abdulrahim had to sleep on the floor due to our misunderstanding during dinner. He had introduced me as his wife to be. Which we both know it's not true. I'm just an hopeless girl he helped weeks ago. I was thinking a lot about everything.

I came to the conclusion that I have to be nice to him because he had done more than enough for me and I'm just pouring my silly anger out on him and it's so unfair.

The following morning, Abdulrahim woke me up which has somehow become a daily routine for him before going to masjid for fajr. 

I woke up and stared at him for a sec, remembering my plans and I quickly smiled widely at him. He looked dumbfounded by my smiling face.

I never really smiled at him. We greeted and I asked him if I was time for fajr and headed to the bathroom while he went to masjid .

After I was done with my prayer, I went downstairs and greeted his parents . His mum seems to like me a lot ! I was happy with that. His dad as well liked me so much and said I was well raised and obedient.

His step mothers on the other hand hates me more than anything. I don't understand why tho. I followed his mum to the kitchen and aisha was microwaving the leftovers.

we started preparing breakfast and shortly Abdulrahim came back from masjid. He bowed down and greeted his mum, he has so much respect and love for his mum. I admire that a lot in guys.

"Your wife is a great cook! Mum said rubbing my shoulder and smiling. I blushed and grinned at him.

"Mami, I can't cook again ba? Aisha complained wiping away fake tears. Abdulrahim smiled and went to his room, he didn't smirk, he had a genuine smile on his face.

When we were done, mum asked me to go tell him breakfast is ready. I went upstairs and made a light knock on the door. "Come in' he said. I stepped in and told him the food is ready. "Okay thank you he said getting up slowly and groaned in pain then sat down again.

I rushed to his place "What's wrong? I asked already worried.

"Nothing special it's just a mere pain in my back. He said. But I can tell it's serious.

"What happened to your back!? I asked sitting closer to him.

"Uhm.. Nothing , I dunno. He said looking elsewhere to avoid my gaze.

He asked me to bring his food upstairs. I guess he couldn't come down due to the back pain. " Okay, sit here, I pointed to the edge of the bed and used a pillow to support his back at least it might ease the pain.

After he finished eating, I asked about his back and he said its getting better and I was a bit relief.

After some moments Then I decided to asked him why he told his parents that at dinner last night. Cos for a sec I think he was toying around with me, I know it's not real love. Maybe he thinks I'm an helpless little girl he can call a wife one minute and a stranger the next.

"Abdulrahim.. What was that all about? Why can't you tell you tell your parents the truth about me ? Don't you know they'll eventually find out? I said feeling my blood boiling.

He kept quiet for a while feeling ashamed of his actions. He told me he had no choice but to lie, how he hates lying and all. He told me a little about his past life, his late fiancé and I felt really sorry for him. I kept mute listening attentively to his story. When he told me his father agreed that he'd get married when he was ready. I mindlessly asked.

"Ohh are you now ready? I asked curiously wanting to know.

'Yes. In'sha'Allah I am . He said. I gazed down looking elsewhere. He's going to get married soon? That means he'll send me away!! Where am I going to stay.? Oh Allah. I silently recite Surah iklaas cos it makes me feel relieved.

"Have you found the girl you gonna marry? I was grinning. I dunno why, guess it's the relief the Surah gives me. He didn't reply quickly.. He thought for a while and said he has found her.

My heart skipped a beat. It must be ummi ! Aisha was going on and on about her through out yesterday. She told me how amazing she was and told Abdulrahim she gave her a message for him.

I just decided to act cool so he won't suspect that I'm upset about him marrying some other girl. I don't want to ask who she is, cos I'll definitely react if he says her name to me! I kinda hate her already!

"Wow! Tell me about her. Is it Ummi? I heard aisha talking randomly about Ummi all day yesterday.

'What!? No. Ummi is my step sister'. He said as he frowned his face. I felt relieved! And was constantly thanking Allah in my mind.

"Her name's Hannan he later said looking shy and nervous. I started having butterflies in my stomach instantly. I understood he was trying to express his feelings for me. But I wanted him to say more.

'Wow! She's my namesake! I said wiggling my eyebrows.

'No! She's you! I wanna get married to you. I know it sounds crazy cos we barely know ourselves. But being with you is where I'd rather be. You're different from other girls wallah. You're so special to me'. He said.

I bursted into tears! He was all suddenly pleading and felt guilty. He might have thought his words hurt me, or something. But it's the most beautiful thing a person has ever said to me.

I cried because I wanted it to be genuine, I wanted him to honest with me, I've been through tough situation in the previous relationship I had.

I didn't know if it's another trial or blessing from Allah SWT . He hugged me and I felt safe with him as I cried harder. After a while I felt I should tell him my past too. He told me his without a second thought. I should let it all out.

Then I told him I wanted to talk to him about something and he gave me a sad smile and I went to wash my face in the bathroom. That night, I was thinking a lot on how to be nicer to him cos I'm not used to being nice to random guys. But he's not any random guy anymore, he's my likely soon to be husband. I giggled at my silly thoughts feeling stupid and happy at the same time. And slept off.

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