Chapter 24•

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Abdulrahim's POV:

This days are becoming more hectic than ever. I hardly spend time with Hannan. I'm always worried something could happen to her while am away or perhaps she could run away from me.

In other to keep those feelings away, I decided to perform the proper Nikka rights. Today am going to talk to Hannan about her parents. In'sha'Allah I'll get to know them first before any other discussions.

I stood up from the study chair where I sat completely worried and disturbed about Hannan. I went to freshen up and went to Hannan's room. I knocked lightly on the door.

"Who's there!? She shouted. But who was she expecting ? It's me ofcos! At least I'm the only one that lived with her here. ""Ohh what do we have here!? She said checking me out in an unpleasant way and rolling her eyes. I kinda felt good cos I knew I have killer looks.

"We're going to see your parents. I said smirking at my silly thoughts of me being good looking.

"My parents? What for? She said looking nervous.

"To make things up with them. I said raising my brows.

" they're my parents and I'll decide when I wanna make things up with them. I'm just not readyyyyy. She said smiling sadly.

"Ofcos we're and we're going now! I said.

After having couple of argument with her just like we Always do , she finally accepted and went to freshen up. As I went to my garage and packed the Range Rover in the driveway waiting for her.

Some minutes later she came out and slumped into the passenger seat and huff. (Well why she upset tho? She supposed to be thrilled meeting her parents after a long time. This girl's weird tbh.)

I drove for an hour and she was busy giving me directions to her house. I must say its a long drive. She seem to have forgotten her own house address. She's really weird. After a while we finally got there.

I quickly got down and opened the door for hannan. She was glued to the seat. She don't wanna drop out of the car. Phew here we go again! After convincing her, she finally dropped. She inhale and exhale slowly then knocked the door.

A young girl opened the door. I can tell she's Hannan's sister. Tho I didn't stare at her cos I lowered my gaze. They seemed to have strong bond. After a while they went inside. Mission complete! I'll just stay here and wait for hannan to come when she's done.

After a while I saw hannan smiling evilly and walking towards me. She opened the car door and said '" it's your turn now son! You forced me to come here now I'm forcing you to go inside!! "". As She dragged me from the car.

" Nooo no no listen pls stop. I said cos she seemed so strong. I don't wanna go in there at least not for now. I don't know how your parents will react if they found out you've stayed with me for months. You know, it's haram for unmarried people to stay together for that long. Her gaze was fixed to the ground and suddenly her face turned pale.

"Yeah you're right. But after all I'll still have to tell them cos they'll ask where I've been staying.

"Hmm I'm scared Hannan , I don't wanna end up getting you into any trouble Uno? She raised her face and her eyes sparkles and widen. SubhanAllah Alhamdulillah. Her beautiful large eyes is breathtaking. "Then let's be scared together. She said smiling softly.

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