Chapter 14•

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I woke up during magrib and realized I dozed on Hannan's lap after we prayed Asr and she go on and on about random things. It was indeed a nice conservation.

Even if it meant talking about what she likes and dislikes  i still enjoyed it. I like her talking to me without being angry, shy or sad. 

I quickly got up cos she was sleeping in a C sharp on the bed where my head was on her laps. I went to the bathroom, took a soothing shower and came back.

She was still sleeping but in a totally different position. She almost fell off the bed when I held her. She woke up and stared at me feeling embarrassed. 'Thank you.... I'm not a good sleeper.

" don't thank me. It's my duty to watch over you I didn't even know when that word came from my mouth. She looked at me amused and got up.

' lemme go freshen up. She said heading to the bathroom. 'Okay.. I said taking my thobe out from the wardrobe.  

After I finished wearing my clothes, I went out to the living room. Everyone  was gathered there. My step moms, dad and my fifteen siblings.

I took a deep breath , tried to control my anger and stepped in the living room. Hafsah gaps. 'Abdulrahim!  She rushed and hugged me. You're not looking bad! She teased as usual. 'Salam hafsah Yeah, you too.. Where's bashira and bashir? (Hafsah twins)

'They're sleeping. She replied. Everyone was staring at me surprised. I guessed my mum didn't tell them I was around.. I like it tho.

I walked to my dad.. Bowed down and said Salam. "walaykumsallam my boy! He said and hugged me as tears came down from his eyes.. He kinda does that every time he sees me after the Incident..  guess  it broke his heart seeing his wives trying to hurt his son. ' baba don't do this.

I said and wiped off the tears. I said Salam to my step mothers and step siblings.. They look excited seeing me after so many years. Soon we headed to the dining table for dinner. I sat down wondering what i had forgotten... I checked my chest pocket and my phone was there..

Then what am I forgetting.. Still lost deep in my thoughts. "Where's Hannan?  My mum asked. I gasped ohh! She's in my room. Lemme go call her. I went up feeling stupid. How could I forgot her? If not my mum she'd slept with empty stomach tonight.

I knocked and stepped inside the room. She was still in the bathroom. 'Hannan? I called.

"Yes! Finally you're here! I've been shouting out for you since an hour ago!

" okay what's wrong? Are you hurt??? I asked looking confused.

"Yes! I'm more than hurt. She replied angrily.

"My heart dropped! What! What happened?

"I don't have any clothes to wear!!! She said wanting to cry. It's all your fault! You didn't tell me you're traveling so I didn't bother to pack up my stuffs! She spat angrily.

'Calm down, I'll go get something for you to wear. I said rushing out to my younger sister amina's room . I went straight to her closet, opened it and saw a black abaya and grab a black scarf along.

There's a reason I choose black for her.. I don't want my brothers staring at her cos she looks so good in colored outfits. 

I went back to my room and kept the clothes on the bed for her, I told her and went outside so she can get dressed. Few minutes later she called out that she's done.

I went back inside. And gazed up trying to see if it's her size I know it's her size cos she and amina have thesame body shape. Damn damn!!! She looked too good in this!!!! Aaargh crap! They're probably going to stare at her now. 'What's wrong?

It looks OK for me. Thanks she said smiling and her dimples showing so deep. I stared at her appreciating the work of Allah.. 'Lower your gaze! She said as I gazed down shamefully.

We both went out of the room to the dining table.. My mum looked worried ' is everything okay? She asked.. Yes mum, just that she was taking a shower when I got there and had to wait until she's done so we can come together..

I said and Hannan smiled at my mum and she smiled back. 'C'mon now,, eat your food.. It's getting cold and we both started eating the delicious rice my mum made.

Then my dad asked. 'Who's this angelic face ? Crap! Not this question again.. Astagfirullah I'm going to lie.. Cos all my family members sat there. 

Dad she's my wife to be in'sha'Allah I said swallowing my spit hard cos I don't like lying. 'ohh wow! That calls for a celebration then. I'll personally take a proposal to her parents in'sha'Allah my dad said. And Hannan stared at me disappointed.

I shrugged and noticed luqman.. My step brother had been looking at Hannan ever since we got to the dining. I tried to ignore him and started eating my food.

  After the dinner we both walked to our room without talking to each other. She was upset. Her face turned paled. Ya Allah forgive me. I lied! She probably thinks I do it often now.. And I've hurt her feelings. I slept on the floor and let her sleep in bed so I will still not upset her.

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