Chapter 23•

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Hannan's POV

Beep! beep!! beep!!! goes the alarm as I hit it hard with a blow hurting my hand. Arghhh you bloody alarm clock! You made me hurt me hand! As I kicked it with my legs and went to the washroom. When I was done I was heading to Aisha's room when I remembered she had gone back to her house with Nadir, her husband.

I turned and went to Asmart and Hauwa's room cos they share a room. As I saw my brothers and babau heading to the masjid.

"I was thinking of what to say that will make them wake up instantly. Then a brilliant ideas bumped into my evil mind. "Wake up! The moon has fallen!!! I said hitting the bed and stomping my feet on the floor.

"Wh--- what!? Where!?? They both asked.

"It's gonna fall in your room if you don't perform fajr honeypies.

"Ahhhh you scared me they said heading to the washroom. When they were done, we performed fajr , greeted our parents and made breakfast.

We were having breakfast when Babau told me Abdul 's intention.

"Hannan dear.

"Naa'am Babau .

"You have to get ready for today's event.

"Erm.. What event Babau?

"Ohh, you haven't heard? Abdulrahim's father called yesterday. He said they'll bring kolanut today.

"Ahhh I gasped. Ohh, why?

"The formal introduction Ofcos!

"Sorry Babau but did you discuss this with Abdulrahim when he came ?

"He told me he's intentions towards you. He said he wants you both to be married, and you know delay is dangerous. So, I told him to start working towards it as soon as possible.

"Yes dear, Momma said smiling and squeezing my hands. We want you to get married to him, apart from saving you and took good care of you. He's a good boy.
"Sure.. He., uhm he's Ma. I said blushing.

Asmart gave me a wink kicking me with her leg under the dinning table.

"Ouch! That hurt! I said raising my brows and looking at Asmart in the opposite direction.

"What hurts? Babau said looking confused.

"Uhm nothing Pa. I said eyeing Asmart

"Psttt weird girls Anas said with his eyes glued to his phone while eating.

"Ohh sharup! Asmart spat

"Stop it! He's your elder brother you know! Momma said with her brows raised. If you don't respect him, how do you expect Hauwa and Abdulhadi to respect you! Respect is reciprocal my dear. Now tell Anas you're sorry. As Anas stared at Asmart smirking and making annoying expressions.

"I'm sorry Ma. Asmart said. Humph. I'm... So..rrry! Grey eyes. Well, she kinda calls him that cos his eyes are grey tho he's also kinda light skinned but trust me he's black!:P

"Apology nearly , almost accepted chocolate skin.

"Don't call me that! Asmart said as she stood up and grab her school bag. "Hauwa lets keep going, we're gonna be late. She said as Hauwa kissed all of us on the cheek and forehead before leaving for school.

Since Hauwa is the second to the last born, you can't blame her tho.

Our parents had pampered her too much that she started sleeping in Asmart's room when she turned 14 if not she sleeps in thesame room with my momma cos Babau stays in Nigeria due to his work but Alhamdulillah he's based here in Dubai now. I'm worried they will spoil Humra cos she's the last child.

Now enough of my parents over- affection for their babies.

Today Abdul's parents are going to come and ask for my hand in marriage. Today is going to be awesome in'sha'Allah. As I laid in bed imagining what's likely possible to happen I heard a knock on the door.

"It's open I said. Momma came in looking so excited.

"My hannuu! You're going to be a woman! She said as tears formed under her eyelids. I bearhug her as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Don't cry momma I'm not going away forever. There's still time to spend with you. It's only an introduction.

"No my dear child once you accepted to marry a man, you're officially out of your parents house. The thought of loosing you again is unbearable. I thought I've lost you forever! Yet, Allah brought you back to me again. Now you don't get to spend enough time. You're leaving again! You're leaving again my child!! Momma cried and cup my face with her hands . She kissed my forehead and smiled . I wiped off her tears and kissed her on the cheeks.

I hugged her for a while thinking about everything. I've missed my dear mother a lot to be honest. I missed my babau too and my lovely siblings. I can't imagine life without them. But I have to face it, I will definitely get married someday and I won't live here forever.

"Now c'mon now, get up. Momma said as I followed her to her room. She opened her closet and brought out a beautiful black abaya. With black pearls all over it.

"Wwooow! It's beautiful Ma!

"It is my dear. I thought you'd get to marry jaf.. Er., Erm .., you know who. Momma said raising her brows . She didn't fully mention Jafar's name cos she don't want the memories coming back to me.

"Yes Ma,, Jafar. You can mention his name, I'm not broken . That also was a test from Allah ( SWT) and I'm glad He led me onto the straight path. I can't imagine my life without Abdul. Ma, I know I'm sounding absurd but I love him for the sake of Allah. I said gazing down and chewing my mouth.

"Alhamdulillah. Indeed Allah knows best. And He does things in our favour. He knows what calamity might befall you if you marry Jafar. But Allamdulillah for everything. Momma said smiling brightly. I can tell she's extremely happy. "Now go get ready your suitor will be here in an hour time. Momma said as I took the abaya and heading out of the room. "Ohh! Aisha said she's coming with Taj and Taalia, her twins babies.

"Ohh okay mum that will be nice. Let me just go hurry up its almost noon.

I went to the washroom, took a soothing shower and think about how it's gonna be. Arrrgh just stop thinking about it already! As my silly mind interrupted me, it's gonna be fine and go according to Allah's plans.

Phew! The chapter is pretty cool.

In'sha'Allah next chap will be Abdul's POV!! Wow it's been a while since we heard from him. I hope y'all miss him as much as I do! cute champ huh?😻 *smirks* (Astagfirullah ahh)🙄

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