Chapter 36

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"After performing Asr, I heard a knock on the door. So I went downstairs and opened it. I saw a familiar face which I'm very sure I've seen somewhere before. 

"Hello.. She said looking at me with so much disapproval.

"Hello. I said still wondering what's up with the sore stare .

"Is my man around? She asked peeping inside the house.

"Your man!?I asked with my brows up"

"Yes. Abdulrahim. My husband to be. She said staring at me in disgust.

"Listen I don't know what you're talking about lady. Just go! And quit causing trouble. I said closing the door.

She placed her leg in between the door and the wall and smiled mischievously. She looks so pretty. She's the kind of girl that makes you feel insecure all at once. I felt kinda bad.. But deep down inside me I know rahim will never compare me with her. I felt good at that thought and quit feeling intimidated by her looks.

"You do not recognize this face right? Well I'm so terrible at recognizing people!

"No I don't. I said still wondering.

"Haha.. I thought so. For another reintroduction , I am zulaihart. The girl you saw with abdulrahim's father in a café months ago. She said raising her brows. Ohhhhh! Ofcos she's the one! Why am I this pathetic !

I quickly adjust my hijab knowing she's the one my father in law really wanted his son to marry. This seems like a battle, what do she want anyways? Isn't it obvious that I'm already married to rahim?

"Okay. So? I said shrugging off

"Again for your information, you might wanna start arranging your luggages cos you'll pack out ASAP. Okay what does that supposed to mean..?

I still stood motionless. Trying to get what she's actually saying. Before I could talk back she was already heading to her car.

"Whatever plans you have Allah will expose you In'sha'Allah!!! I shouted at at her and slammed the door.

I kept on wondering why she said all those things to me. I stared into thin air. I took my mobile and dialed rahim' line after several rings he didn't pick up the call, maybe he might have some meeting or something I thought.

Couple of hours later My husband returned home from work while I was preparing dinner.

"Asalamu'alaykum, he greeted undoing his tie and sitting on the sofa.

"Wallaykumsallam I said coming from the kitchen. Oh you're back. Welcome, I greeted taking his suitcase and suit upstairs while he hugged me from the back as we climbed up.

"How was work today?

"Alhamdulillah habibti, sorry I couldn't answer your calls. I was in a meeting.

"Oh its okay, I thought so too. I said smiling.

He went to freshen up while I waited in the dining table. When he was done, he came downstairs looking so cleaned up and peng. MashaAllah! I must say.

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