Chapter 8•

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That's Abdulrahim's picture above. :))) but you can imagine him how ever you want him to be.

Abdulrahim 's POV
I was heading to work when Hannan's thought bumped into my head. I was picturing her face, her beautiful ebony face. What is wrong with me? What's so special about this girl anyways? Why I'm I having her thoughts? I only met her yesterday! C'mon Abdulrahim! You don't give room for girls! Except hafifa!   

The driver stopped the car and I stepped out of the car standing in front of my company. A glass skyscraper. I walked into the building, my employees greeted me politely as I nodded my head and smiled a little. I went into my private elevator and way up into my sleek glass office.. Consisting of a leather chairs and glass office desk. And my MacBook was opened on the desk which my secretary Helen had scheduled all my appointments for the day. I sat down and scrolled through it and realised I have a board meeting in less than an hour.

When the meeting was over, it was 10:00 pm. I quickly went out of the office and jumped into the car and told Mustapha , my chauffeur to head home ASAP.

He packed at the front of my crip, he opened the door and I stepped out feeling happy and eager to see the angelic face again. I went inside, walking slowly as i undo my tie. I climbed the stairs up to my room and my eyes searching for Hannan but she's no where to be found. I felt uncomfortable and walked to the guest room. I made a light knock on the door and opened it. I saw her sleeping peacefully in bed. I smiled and went back to shower.
When I was done I went to the kitchen to make coffee. I saw a delicious blueberry pie in the fridge, and fried rice with chicken and salad in the microwave.
My eyes widen.. Wh-who cooked all of this !? Could it be Hannan? As I brought it out and served myself. I sat on the dining table and said (bismillah ) and began eating the meal. It's so tasty! It reminds me of my mum's cookings. I finished everything and did the dishes when Going to the study I heard Hannan screaming 'leave me alone!!! I'll never love you! You ruined me. I rushed to the room and held her head to my chest calming her as she cried .
Baby, do not cry. You'll be okay I promise. She stopped crying and looked up at me . Ohh mine.. Those eyes again! I need some air!!! It's breathtaking!  She quickly stood up feeling shy and said she had nightmares and she don't wanna talk about it.

Okay. I respect your privacy hannan. Just be safe. I said feeling a lot concerned.

I'll .. Thanks a lot ... Mister..who?

Ohh. My name's Abdulrahim Omar.

Hannan's POV
Nice to meet you mister Omar. I said smiling a little. Dammit he's so handsome! The most handsomest ever!  I immediately lower my gaze as he lowered his too.

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