Chapter 21•

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I woke up surprisedly the time was 4:56am. It's not fajr yet. It's all new to me cos it's been a while since I wake up early in the morning. I normally wake up before fajr if I sleep in 'my' peaceful bed. It's good to be back I guess.

I yawned and got up scratching my eyes and walking straight to the bathroom. When I was done, I came out and walked slowly to my window side. Where I can see the street clearly. I saw my father, my brothers and some men in thobe entering in the masjid nearby. They kinda go early to recite the Quran and tafsir. Also bunch of niqabies followed. One was Carrying a baby. I was totally lost in my thoughts. I imagined being a mum! And holding my baby girl close to my chest and kissing her forehead. Don't let this fool you ! You'll probably be a bad mum!
Ohh stop it! No. I'll be the best mum ever! As I defended my silly mind ideas of me being a bad mum.

Suddenly I felt a punch on my shoulder. I turned back and saw aisha , my elder sister staring at me with a straight face.

"Asalamu'alaykum Tumtum! (Well my siblings also gave me an embarrassing nickname as well.)

"Walaykumsallam aishatu I said rolling my eyes.

"What are you doing here? Why up so early ? She said raising her brows. Are you missing Abdulrahim too much?

"What?! Not you again! Why are you guys saying this? No no I'm not missing him. I just wanted to have a nice view of the masjid and street that's all. I said squeezing my lips.

"Hah! And also thinking about your lover Abdulrahim. She said while pulling me over to sit on the bed.

"Wh-what? Astagfirullah aishatu! He's not my lo..ver!

"The low voice? C'mon ! You lower your voice when you're trying to defend the truth!

"Uhm.. Well, assume however you want. I said getting up as she pull me down again.

"Ohh no no missy I'm not finish with you. Look at me, tell me everything.. I promise not to judge. I deserve to know right ? She said pouting.

"Wrong! I'm not saying! I said bringing out my tongue.

"Please I'm your one and only big sister! I need to know, if not me, who will you tell? She said acting like she's hurt.

"Well momma is there you know.

"what'!? Momma will hear it before me? Ouch I'm hurt! I'm really hurt as she wipe her regular fake tears from her face.

"Hahaha yesss!

"Ohh sharup you despicable sister! She said squeezing her face. Well I'm leaving now, seem I'm useless. She said getting up.

"I hugged her from the back . Ohh no not yet! You're still useful to me! I said forcefully turning her back and sat her down.

Ayeee , now let's be serious. At first, I hated Abdulrahim so much. (Astagfirullah) cos of what Jafar did to me. But despite the hatred (Astagfirullah) he showed me too much love and care. He was there for me. He never did anything against my wish, he gave me my space when I needed to be alone. He's gentle, a good Muslim, loving and so caring. He has all the quality of my dream spouse. Do you know the most exciting part?

"What's it!? Tell me everything! Aisha said clapping her hands and looking excited.

"Well he kinda like proposed to me, he asked me to marry him. (Aisha eyes widen and sparkles. )

"Really? So you guys were actually 'dating'?

"No! We ain't. And we did no haram thing wallah, well apart from him consoling me with a hug each time I have a nightmare that's all. I said as aisha breathe out of relief.

"You should totally marry him! Wallah you both are good to go she said literally begging and consoling me with her famous baby face which you can never say NO to her offer.

"In'sha'Allah, if it's Allah's will, so be it. I said smiling.

"Ohh that's my sweet sweet little sister! She said smiling and hugging me.

Few minutes later, the adhan goes on . We woke Asmart and Hauwa then performed fajr sallah.

After we finished, we prepared breakfast and my hanifa came over as we gist endlessly.

The rest of the day went in blur

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