Chapter One

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Authors Note as of 11/21/20: Hey! So just a couple things, this story was first written and published roughly 10 years ago (crazy I know), and time has not been kind to it in some places. Also! Friendly reminder that I DO still read nearly every comment. There are no plans to properly edit this and it shows. Welcome Dracotok-ers! Pleased to have you here! You would not believe the amount of traffic this story has gotten since Draco tiktok has become a thing. Anyway, happy reading!

1/22/21: Hey so I've about had it with some of the comments that have been made on this and its sequel. You wouldn't believe how many times I have debated deleting this story and its sequel. I still browse through the comments here and if they are rude or are not constructive then you will be blocked. The story has issues, its severally outdated (I have tried to catch some things that had really not aged well but I'm not perfect and haven't read the story in many years) and not properly edited. If you don't like it, don't read it. 

Chapter one- Freaking out in front of Harry Potter Stars

"Please Cas?" Taylor whined at me.

I was shaking suddenly with fear of the ride. I was deathly afraid of heights, we had been at Wonder Land theme park the whole day, and Taylor and Danielle my best friends were forcing me to go on this ride. It was called The Death Adventure. Nice name huh?

"No I won't go on it...I won't" I said stubbornly.

"Cassandra Mary Dean you are ridding this ride even if we have to force you!" Danielle shouted at me.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Then you'll have to force me"

Then all of a sudden I was slung over her shoulder and being carried to the line. I kicked and screamed until she put me down. "Cassie calm down it's just a ride" Taylor told me trying to calm me down.

"No it is not just a ride it is a death trap"

"No it is just a ride that is really high and goes straight down"

"Danny!!!" Taylor slapped her on the arm. "What?" Danielle replied "don't scare her more"

You see Taylor and Danielle or sometimes we call her Danny are total athletes. And I mean hard core athletes. They train and train and train. I well I am athletic but not even close to them. I played sports when we were in high school, but now I just run a mile every day. My point being they are dare devils, and I'm all for rebelling but when it comes to life threatening situations, I love to pass and watch on the side lines.

The line kept on moving more and more and more till we were close to the front. I started shaking more as we were about to get into the red dragon kart. They jumped in automatically excited for this doom. I reluctantly got into the kart.

It sat six people so across from us were. Three guys. All wearing baseball caps and sunglasses. I shrunk away from them. But being the flirt that Taylor was immediately started flirting with them.

"Hi!" she said getting all perky.

"Hello" they all said in unison.

"Are you excited for the ride???" Taylor asked again.

"Very" said the one with reddish hair.

The ride jolted with a start and I squeaked as it started moving away from the dock.

"What is with her?" the dark hair said. All their heads turned in my direction. I couldn't tell if the guys that were sitting with us were looking at me or not, there sunglasses were that tinted.

"Hey you guys look familiar, what are your names?" Danielle asked.

"Oh um..." the blonde said with them getting a little jumpy.

And I blurted out there names "Rupert, Daniel, and Tom...correct?" I asked.

"How did you know that?" Rupert asked me.

"Yes how do you know that?" Taylor asked me shocked.

"Well I am a huge Harry Potter fan"

"OMG!!!" Taylor and Danielle squeaked.

"You're you're Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and and Tom Felton!" Danielle stuttered which she never does.

They looked down clearly there disguises had failed.

The ride jolted again and I jumped and squeaked. "Cassie calm the hell down!" Danielle complained.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked me.

"I...I'm afraid of h...heights" I stuttered.

"Oh" was all he said.

"So...what are you guys doing here?" Danny asked.

"What are we not allowed to have fun?" Rupert asked clearly annoyed.

"No...I mean yes...oh nevermin-"

I screamed as the roller coaster went down this huge cliff and twisted and turned went looped de loop, and all of that "fun stuff". The ride was over in two min. and I was paralyzed. I was seriously so scared I couldn't move. I knew the ride had stopped and that I should be fleeing for my life but I couldn't move.

"Cassie?" Taylor asked shaking me.

"Every time!" Danielle complained.

"Is she okay?" Daniel asked.

"Oh yeah she is fine, just a little in shock" Taylor replied shaking me again.

"Whatever she is get her out of the kart" one of the worker men said.

"Come on Cas! Snap out of it or do you want to go on it again?"

I regained the feeling in my limbs and jumped out of the kart shuddering slightly heading for the exit. 

Danny and Taylor were following behind me still chatting to the actors. OH CRAP!!!!!!!!! I just freaked out in front of of...of HARRY POTTER STARS... AH!!!!

"Cassie you okay now?" Taylor asked me.

"Y...yeah" I stuttered.

"Oh well she seems fine" Rupert said sarcastically.

"No-no really I'm cool"

"Well I guess this is where we break" Danny said getting ready to flee.

"NO!" all three boys said at once.

"What?" Taylor asked.

"Well do you guys want to hang out for a while?"

"Don't you guys like hate fan girls?" I asked.

"Yes, but we do like girls...such as yourself" Daniel said smirking.

I looked back at the girls, they quickly nodded in agreement.

The Day We Met Was The Day I Fell For You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now