Chapter Four

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Chapter Four- Ferris Wheel Terror

We hung out awhile more, just mostly playing those stupid games where you can when cheep stuff that breaks as soon as you get it. But I had to say I was having a lot of fun. I'll admit I was really nervous when Danny and Taylor mentioned Wonderland, but this was really fun...and I didn't know if it was that I was actually liking the theme park, or if it was because of the guys we were hanging out with.

"Wonderland theme Park will be closing in fifteen minutes" an announcer person said through an intercom. I hadn't noticed how the once crowded lanes seemed to be having less and less people walking along them and how then sun was almost gone seemed to have slipped my eyes.

"Before we leave we have to go on that!" Taylor pointed at the highest thing in the whole park that just happened to be almost right in front of us "the Ferris Wheel!" she screeched. I loved her, but she can go a little overboard at times which makes her very annoying.

I stopped and said "meet you guys at the car" I was turning on my heel when a hand grabbed my wrist and twisted me back around. "No you're riding with me" Tom smirked.

"You can't be serious" I stared at him bewildered.

"Oh but I am" he smiled and dragged me next to him.

Of course there wasn't a line so he just climbed into a kart and literally had to yank me to sit next to him.

He acted like this was nothing. He put his arms on the back and sighed while closing his eyes. The ride jolted to a start. And I jumped a little. Great I am going to freak out in front of him again. Just my lucky day.

I stared under us as the ground, the nice safe ground; seem to get farther and farther away.

"Tttt...Tom" I stuttered and he replied with a happy "hmmm?"

"I...I can't do this"

He laughed, which made me slap him on the back of the head. Geeze I just slapped Tom Felton/ Draco Malfoy. What has gotten into me?

He looked appalled by my action but then his face drifted to caution. Finally he was taking this situation seriously. But then it drifted back into a warm breath taking smile.

"Cassie first of all breathe" he commanded.

I took in a short intake of breath.

"Second just close your eyes it will be over before you know it"

I sighed and let my eyes close. It felt like we were floating on clouds, nice peaceful clouds. I stayed like that for awhile, but soon I peeked out of my eye lids, we were almost to the top.

Just a few more seconds then...CLUNK. The ride stopped at the very top. Swinging back and forth.

I screamed and clung onto him.

"Wow Cassie I've only known you a couple of hours" he joked laughing.

I shivered and started to shake. "Okay, okay calm down were going back down now see?" he asked looking down at me.

I didn't want to see the ground coming up from under us either, so I just berried my head into his shoulder. His arms slowly wrapped around me holding me lightly.

OH MY GOD!!!! What am I doing??? I am holding onto Tom Felton. I think I might faint...might. I took a breath through my nose and smelt his amazing cologne. And for a split second, I forgot where I was or what I was doing; everything just seemed fine, maybe even perfect.

It was soon over. The ride was drifting back down to the gravel. Once the kart was placed on the dock, instead of being shocked I quickly unwounded myself from him and scurried out of the danger zone.

I walked to where Taylor and Danny were waiting for us and tried to calm myself down.

"I can't believe he got you to go on that" Danny said unbelievingly.

"Yeah I thought for sure you would have had a breakdown and caused a whole big scene like the last time" Taylor added.

"Last time?" Rupert asked. Him, Daniel, and Tom leaning in intently.

"Yeah well-"Taylor started explaining and I cut in saying "please not that story again" I plead with them.

They rolled their eyes and continued. "It was about three years ago our High School Graduation class went to a theme park to celebrate and after about an hour of begging Cassie to go on the ride, she finally budged. And when we were almost at the top she screams bloody murder" the guys tried not to chuckle while Danny started talking "and we mean bloody poor Taylor here had to get her ears checked out" they glared at me while the hot shot movie stars Bursted out laughing. "And that isn't the worst part!" Taylor continued "they stopped the ride because they thought something was actually wrong...very long story short they had to get a helicopter to get Cassie out without screaming like a freaking' maniac" They were now bursting out in complete hysterics. "Longest time I have ever spent on a ride" Danny complained.

"And all because of a little Ferris wheel!" Rupert said clutching his stomach. I glared at him.

"I told you I didn't want to go on the ride, but no you guys don't listen to me!" I said storming.

I was furious with those two. They embarrassed me in front of Actors, not only actors my favorite hot actors. I mentally whimpered as I continued to storm out the gates and towards the parking lot. It took me awhile to find my car. It was sapphire blue, sort of blinded in. But as I got to the car I searched my pocket for my keys and realized that Danny still had them. I banged my head on the car and slid down so that I was sitting on the gravel with my back leaned up against the car, and waited for them.

I watched as the families and groups were giggling joyfully while reaching their cars and leaving.

I closed my eyes and thought of my day. What a day and it wasn't even over yet. I had met three amazingly talented Harry Potter stars, freaked out in front of them, got to know one of them better, ate lunch with them, hung out with them, went on a Ferris Wheel (while Freaking out) with Tom Felton, then getting laughed at by them, and now being locked out of my own stupid car waiting for my "friends". And they said I had a boring life.

While I was deep in my thoughts. Someone knocked on the side of the car. "Hey kid" Tom said. I wasn't really startled like I would have been. I guess I am just too pissed off.

"Kid?" I asked looking up at him and the rest of them who were right behind him.

"Yeah kid got a problem with that"

I looked away and said "no" monotone.

"Oh no Cassiebear here is grumpy" Taylor said in a bloody baby voice.

"I guess we'll have to get her some candy" Danny sighed.

I jumped up all perky and sprung onto her repeating "Candy! Candy! Candy!"

"Thinks she likes candy?" Daniel asked.

"Candy can always make her forgive us and be practically cures her of anything" Taylor explained.

I nodded my head like a dog would smile brightly. Which made Tom chuckle.

"Come on...I'll drive" Danny said pushing me towards shot gun.

"No it's my car I'm driving" I said taking my keys from her.

" your car?" Rupert asked.

"Yeah? What wrong with it?" I asked curiously.

"Well nothing it's just really small"

"It's not small it's the perfect size"

"No it's small"

"And I'm guessing your car is so much bigger?" I said a little overdramatically.

"Actually yes his is" Rupert pointed to Tom who nodded his head behind us.

I looked around him to see a huge black jeep. Very big. They laughed at my stunned face.

"Well ugh!" I stuck my tongue out at him childishly. While going around my car and getting in the driver's seat and starting the ignition. The girls soon followed, laughing quietly.

Once the doors were shut I peeled out of the spot.

The Day We Met Was The Day I Fell For You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now