Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten- Goodbyes

I had to say I was a little relieved when Tom said I distracted him. I had been thinking the worst, like he hated me or something, but thank the lord I was wrong. And now every time he calls me or texts me, my heart flutters a little bit, but this this was just over the line.

"Tom" I whined into my phone still under the warm covers of my bed "its 4:30 in the morning what is sooo important?"

"Well I was wondering if you could do me a little favor?"

"What kind of favor?"

"I'm leaving for a month and well I thought since Timber loved you so much; you could maybe watch him for me?"

I smiled "yeah I'll watch him, when are you coming over?"

"I'm actually right outside your door" he said, and then I heard a bark.

I shut my phone off hopping out of bed. Why did my room always have to be so freaking cold? I went to the door and opened it, revealing Tom standing there in jeans a white tee shirt and a black leather jacket, with black tinted sunglasses resting on top of his head, and a sweet smile on his face.

I rubbed my eyes sleepily.

"Not a morning person huh?" he asked me.

"No." I said running my fingers through my hair. Timber started jumping on me and licking my hand. "Did you think I forgot about you?" I said kneeling down petting Timber getting a slobbery hand in the process.

"Would you like to come in?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure" he replied I opened the door wider, having Timber run and jump on my couch. "Timber" I heard Tom hiss.

"Its fine" I said walking into my kitchen.

"You want some coffee?" I asked.

"That would be great" he said following me.

I turned my coffee maker on and waited for it to process. "So why did you come over here at 4:45 in the morning?" I asked.

"Well first I had to ask you, then you live an hour away from the airport and my flight is leaving early this morning"

I rolled my eyes. What a lame excuse for waking up early.

He chuckled "sorry"

I went to my cabinet and pulled out two coffee mugs. "Your lucky I don't have to work today so I'll forgive you" I smiled sweetly at him.

"No I'm just lucky I have you as a...friend" he said quickly looking away from me.

I breathed a little sigh "yeah, so a month huh?"

"Yeah then I'm done until the interviews and that 'fun' stuff comes along"

"I think being interviewed would be fun"

"It is at first" he shrugged "but they ask you the same questions every time, I just get tired of repeating myself"

"Aw is Tommy boy not liking his job?" I asked while pouring the coffee.

"No I love my job, I wouldn't give my job up for anything" he said proudly as I handed him the coffee.

"Anything?" I questioned.

He gulped "Y-yeah anything"

Then Timber barked "shut up" Tom said annoyed then looked back to me "you look fantastic by the way" he smirked. That when I noticed that my hair was in a very messy bun and I was wearing very short shorts and an old tee shirt. I blushed "well I was asleep until you called"

"Your never going to let me forget about this are you?" he asked.

"Hmmm nope" I smiled.

He just rolled his eyes and smiled then I heard 'Fear is how I fall' by Linkin park. He put the coffee mug down and reached in his pocket, bringing it to his ear.

I not wanting to be impolite and eavesdrop on his conversation pretended to be interested in the calendar that was hanging on the wall, but well it's hard not to listen when the person is right in front of you.

"Yes" He sighed.

"Tell her to chill out!" he nearly shouted. I cocked an eye brow at that.

"I'll be there in a minute Dan just fucking calm down!" his thumb slammed on the 'end' button very quickly after that.

I laughed. "Got a girlfriend?"

"No" he said a little too quickly. "I was talking about Emma, but I have to go" he said heading for my door, but pausing in my living room, I laughed when I saw Timber sleeping on the couch.

"Thanks for watching him" he looked at me "call me if you need anything" and he opened my door.

"Hey Felton!" I yelled before he completely walked out.

"What?" he asked not annoyingly as I thought he might.

"I'm watching your dog for a month, and you're like my best friend, and I don't even get a hug?" I pouted.

He smiled and walked back in wrapping his arms tightly around me. I smiled and said "that's more like it" as he pulled back and slid his sunglasses on. "I'll see you in a month" he smiled and I said "you better text me" I warned. Me not getting to talk to him for a month that would be my definition of hell.

"I will so much you will get sick of me" he laughed.

"I don't think I could ever get sick of you Tom" I said trying to keep myself from blushing. Why would I be blushing Tom is JUST my friend.

"Whatever you say kid bye" he laughed.

"Bye" I smiled.

And he walked out my door.

The Day We Met Was The Day I Fell For You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now