Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter eighteen- The perfect night

It took us a couple of hours of cleaning to get the place close to the same shape it was to begin with. They were complaining the whole time, and as the sobered up the complaining just grew more until we finished and Rupert and Emma fled from the house as if they feared that I would put them to even more work.

Dan on the other hand had fallen in the chair next to the couch and was asleep mumbling something incoherent.

Tom was taking out the trash, as I was putting the cleaning supplies back into its place.

"Well that was fun" Tom said slouching into a chair.

I laughed "You can be so lazy"

"Lazy? Me hahaha" he said straightening up.

"Yeah whatever you say Felton" I walked back into the living room turning off the television that Dan had left on, Tom following me.

"What are you doing tonight?" Tom asked looking out the window.

I laughed "What I do every night, which is nothing, why?"

"I'm going to take you out" he said still not looking at me.

"And why is this?" I asked curiously.

"Your always in the house, you need to breathe fresh air" he smiled at me.

I sighed "it's not like their isn't air inside, but I would love to go out" going out with Tom, this could be very bad or very good.

He laughed "Go get in the car"

"Okie dokie" I said skipping off toward the garage.

The car ride was a little awkward, for a reason I didn't know.

"So where we going?" I asked.

"The peer" he said taking a left on some street I didn't pay attention to.

"Fun" I said sighing looking out the window.

"Hey no sighing your with Tom Felton no one sighs unless it sighing in contentment"

"You think a little much of yourself don't you?" I mumbled.

"I have the fans to prove it" he smirked, I just rolled my eyes.

"Were almost there stop moping"


"Yeah moping"

I just shook my head laughing at his vocabulary, other than trying to come up with a comeback he just joined in laughing.

The peer was fun. There were not many people out because it looked like it was about to rain the kind of rain where the whole sky Is gray out and It is so pretty and lovely, so Tom didn't have to where a disguise which I was happy about, because it's just weird when you're talking to someone when you pretty much can't see their face, and I wanted to see Tom's face. It wasn't a very social place, but there were little trinkets and shops to look at which was fun.

And once it got dark we went to this little Italian restaurant and ate spaghetti, which was amazing for a little place like this which had almost no one in it.

Tom's face turned serious, which made me go a little rigid because we had just been laughing. "So did you have fun today?" he asked running the tip of his finger around the rim of his glass.

I smiled instantly relaxing "Yeah it was amazing you're the best Tom"

His mouth curved up to a breath taking crooked smile as he kept staring at his glass. "Well I'm glad you think I'm the best" he said looking at me behind his eye lashes.

I just smiled as the waiter came back with Tom's credit card. When we got up I looked out the window and it was raining. As we walked out the restaurant Tom groaned the car was parked a far way away.

I smiled and laced our fingers together, noticing that he immediately took my hand, and ran into the middle of the street which was disserted.

"Cas what are you doing?" Tom asked unsure.

"Were going to dance"

"Dance?" he said looking at me as if I was crazy when I stopped "it's pouring in the rain"

"So? The Italian music is beautiful let's just dance?" I pleaded. He sighed giving in and placed his free hand around my waist pulling me closer to him as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

We started swaying to the music with great rhythm. Then he twirled me out and the dance seemed to get more complex, but more romantic. Dancing in the rain with Tom, made me feel like I was in heaven.

Then he dipped me and slowly pulled me back up as the song drifted to a close and it felt as if it was in super slow motion, are faces were nearly two inches apart. I could taste his breath on my tongue making my taste buds electrify. He leaned in a little more and our lips touched as he brought me up in a straight up position. Our lips moved in synchronization as if they were meant for each other. My cheeks were flushed and my heart rate went off the charts. He pulled me closer into his protective arms as the kiss got more passionate.

And I just stood there in the dark cold rain kissing Tom Felton. I was going to get chased by a million girls for doing this wasn't I?

The Day We Met Was The Day I Fell For You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now