Chapter Forty Four

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Chapter Forty Four- ill

"Tom, its Cassie" Dan said into his cell phone, panic written over his face as I lay down on one of the many cold benches pressing my hot face against it. I felt horrible, achy, with my head pounding at an enormous rate as if it had its own heart beat.

"Well, she looks front of the flower shop...okay" He looked at me "Tom will be here soon" he stated

"Yay" I said sarcastically.

Dan chuckled as he sat down with my feet in his lap. "He would've forgotten all about the argument by now"

"Says you"

He patted my legs "Calm down"

"If I was any calmer I would be dead"

"I'm not liking the sarcastic remarks Cas" Dan sighed annoyed.

"Well hopefully this is just motion sickness, and it will be over in a minute. Or maybe I should play it up a little so that we can leave"

Dan pouted "I think that if it was motion sickness you would have gotten over it about half an hour ago."

"Has it been that long?" I questioned. He nodded his head.

"Cassie?" Tom called when he and Rupert were in visual sight.

I turned my head towards him as he walked over, with no sign of anger in his eyes.

He knelt down in front of my head and placed his hand on my forehead obviously taking my temperature. His fingers were nice and cold and felt fantastic on my skin.

Then he brushed the hair off of my neck and sighed "She has a fever"

I took this time to look at Rupert. I was still afraid that he was mad at me for ruining his day, now even further, but he scoffed. "This place was getting boring anyway"

I smiled my best convincing smile at him and he just nodded.

"Then let's go." He stood up along with Dan. "Can you walk Cas?"

I nodded, barley having enough energy to talk anymore.

He held my hand as we walked back to the entrance and to the car, rubbing soothing circles on my palm with his thumb.

When we got home Tom actually found a working thermometer and took an accurate temperature which happened to be 101.8. He sent me up to our room, when I protested that I didn't want to get him sick he simply brushed it off saying 'it's probably just a cold, I'll stay in one of the guest rooms for a couple of days'.

I woke up around three in the afternoon the next day, my temperature had gone up and I stayed in bed all day, watching television, and sleeping until Tom came in with a phone in his hand, holding it out for me.

I looked at him confused. Who would want to talk to me, who didn't have my phone number?

"Hello?" I said. I didn't sound like me at all with my nose being all stuffy, and my voice hoarse from coughing so much.

"Oh Cassie dear Tom told me all about you being sick" I heard Tom's mother speak on the other end. "He insisted that I stay at my house though" She scoffed "But I wanted to make sure that it was just a cold, what are your symptoms?"

"Mrs. Felton I'm sure it's just a-"

"I'm a mother I know when it's something mild and something serious" she said stubbornly.

I sighed "Headache, fever, stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, weird appetite...that's about it"

She sighed "Any stomach problems"

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