Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve- Temporary Home

They soon enough let us go back into the building. I quickly packed as much clothes in a bag as I could. Grabbed my laptop, phone charger, purse, shoes, Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire and Prisoner of Azkaban, iPod, and other pointless necessities. I put the leash on Timber slid my sunglasses on and left.

Apparently Timber liked cars, because the second I opened the passenger door he jumped inside wagging his tail. It was safe to say that I loved this dog.

It took me roughly three hours to get to their house, because of traffic reasons. Timber kept his head out the window, his big ears flapping in the wind, looking as free as a bird. I laughed at that thought because Timber is a huge dog and a bird is so small. Funny right? Yeah didn't really think you would laugh at that.

Anyway I got to the house and parked my car in there empty drive way. Timber must have recognized where we were because he bolted for the door. I walked slowly after him. I looked in the two flower pots by the door and saw a shiny piece of metal glittering in the sunset's light. It easily went into the key hole and opened the door. Timber bolted up the stairs and ran off somewhere. I laughed at him as I went back and grabbed my stuff out of the car.

It didn't take me long to dump my stuff in my what you could say "new room". Letting my curiosity take me I walked around the house. The only other time I had been here there were too many people to fully see or appreciate the inside of the house.

It was very modern, yet a bit classy. Really I was surprised it wasn't all dirty and gross like most guys places were. Although knowing them they probably pay a maid to clean up every now and then.

I sat down on the living room couch and flipped on the television. Nothing was really on I just kept flipping the channel hoping something would catch my attention, but nothing ever did. Then I noticed, Timber hadn't come back from wherever he had been.

I got up and started calling his name. But I heard nothing in return. I went up stairs, searching through the rooms. I just happened to come across Daniel's. Very nice big spacious room with a king sized bed and a plasma screen television hanging on the opposite wall, with a mini fridge in the corner. Of course Daniel would have a mini fridge and plasma screen television in his room. I rolled my eyes and continued to call out for Timber.

I thought that he might have gone into Tom's room. And as I creaked open the door I saw Timber asleep on the bed. I think he missed Tom, or he just missed the bed. Even though he hasn't even been away from this place for a day.

I liked Tom's room much more than Daniel's. His was much more secluded. Peaceful and relaxing. He had a nice Queen sized bed that had a sea green comforter on top of it. A rather big closet that his whole wardrobe probably didn't take up half of it, and a bathroom right next to that. Then he had a wooden desk in the corner with nothing inpaticular on it just some pictures that I figured were his family. He also had his old acoustic guitar resting against the desk. He probably took his other one with him.

I let Timber sleep and closed the door and found a hall way that went straight from the grand stair case. I saw a window at the end of the hall. As I walked through the hall on the walls there were posters of Harry Potter posters nicely framed and everything. And at the end of the hall I found was a much longer hall that went horizontal with glass windows along the wall looking out over their back yard. They had a long patio and a big pool, that had a diving board, mini slide, and rocks that clearly were for jumping off of, and a cave under that. And a little ways from the pool was a trampoline, probably the biggest backyard trampoline I have ever seen. To the right in the hall way there was a door labeled Theater. I walked over to it and looked inside and saw a huge theater room where on one of the walls was almost like every movie ever made! And there was a small kitchen in the back. It was amazing. Then on the left side of the hall way there was a door labeled pool house. I opened the door and found spiraling stairs that were gorgeous because the walls were glass so you could see outside. The stairs led into this small room where there was a freezer and all the stuff you need for a pool, and it lead out into the backyard. It was amazing, I officially loved this house. I walked outside and dipped my feet into the pull when Tom called me.

The Day We Met Was The Day I Fell For You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now