Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six- A Scary Story

When I woke up the next morning Tom wasn't next to me. It was good though, he at least had some common sense. I had no doubt that my dad would have shot him right then and there, but thank god that's not the case.

When I got to the breakfast table, dad was already gone as usual. He always got up earlier and ate breakfast alone, It was his and mum's alone time. I know never to disturb him when he eats breakfast, because more than once I heard him crying.

Clay was watching the news, slouching on the couch. Emma was conversing with Carson about god knows what. And Tom was eating silently.

I grabbed a plate and filled it with my dad's cooking, he was never a really good cook, but his cooking made me feel at home...even though I was at home now? You get the point.

"Morning" I said mostly to Tom.

"Morning" he mumbled back. Not really eating, just stabbing a pancake over and over again.

"What's wrong?" I asked placing my hand on his arm, trying to get him to look at me, and when he finally did I gasped.

He had bags under his eyes, and was a lot paler than usual. I also took this time to notice that his hair was splattered in all different directions.

"I couldn't sleep" He smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" Emma asked popping into our conversation. It was really kind of annoying.

"I heard a scary story" he answered

Emma laughed taking this as sarcasm, but I know it was no such thing. I didn't think the story would destroy him, how was I suppose to know?

Emma continued laughing as she walked away. I made sure that they were not within hearing distance when I asked confirming my suspicion.

"Why couldn't you wasn't like it was a horror story or anything"

He turned a deathly glare to me "No it's much worse, how could someone treat you like that, and then flaunt it right in your face...I swear to god if I ever meet that-"

He stopped mid sentence because the paper plate that was resting under his fingers crumpled into itty bitty little pieces, secretly emphasizing what he was about to say.

"You won't ever meet him, and even if you do you can't fight him" I answered whipping up the 'display' and throwing it into the garbage.

"Yeah and why not?" He asked curious, but also thinking that I was challenging him, thinking that he could take Will...which I hate to say it but he probably couldn't.

"Because you're an actor, you can't ruin that pretty little face of yours" I said kissing his cheek before I went to the sink and started washing the breakfasts' dirty silverware.

"I don't have to film for months...a couple of bruises would heal by then" he said as if he was already conjuring up a plan.

I slammed the knife I was cleaning into the sink, splattering some water, and making a threatening clinking sound. "Or a couple of bones that wouldn't heal before then!" I almost shouted, but thankfully the others didn't hear, or at least didn't come to investigate.

I sighed "Look I don't think you understand how big Will is. I mean he is massive, he could squish you like a bug without even trying"

He looked a little offended "but-"

"No! I get why you would be doing it. Defending me whatever the reason is let it go, I don't want you getting hurt over something that happened years ago, Okay?" I asked

He rolled his eyes, but nodded anyway, mumbling incoherent things as he got up and walked out of the kitchen.

Hours later I was cleaning, well scratch that the house was pretty clean, I was 'tidying up' the house when I yet again, like I had thousands of times heard Tom's musical guitar playing throughout the house.

Everyone was gone. Well not gone gone they were out back in the barn. Clay was working on the old car...his old car... Dad was working on something while Carson was helping, and I believe that Emma was watching them because apparently what I was doing was boring.

His blonde locks shown a little bit over the couch, showing that he was slouching. I sighed, the stupid story that I never wanted to tell him anyway was really getting under his skin.

I leaned over the couch, a dusting rag still in my hands. "That sounds new" I commented

"Yeah just came up with it" He mumbled fiddling with the strings. No wonder, the song was depressing me.

"Well it's great" I said with a touch of fake enthusiasm.

"Thanks" he mumbled.

"Could you be happy, Happy Tommy?" I asked pinching his cheeks which he instantly pulled away from and swatted at my hand.

"Cas you don't get it do you?!" he shouted standing up and lightly throwing his guitar so that it landed on the couch.

"No...I don't" I said confused, I really didn't get why he was dwelling so much on something that he wasn't apart of and that happened years ago.

"He. Hurt. You. In more ways than one. He hurt the most precious thing to me. You think I'm just going to let that slip by unnoticed! No! I'm pissed Cassie, not at you at him, in my eyes he doesn't deserve to live, he shouldn't ever get the privilege of looking at you. Your like an angel. Did you know that? And I feel bad for him, because he won't ever get to see your beautiful face every day. He won't ever be able to see that smile, and that's sad how he just let you slip through his fingers because of alcohol." He said taking a deep breath afterword but not letting his malicious stare leave my face.

My mouth hung open, a gap. Sure he had called me beautiful before, but he had never explained it like that, deeply, romantically. Explaining how he felt bad for Will.

"Are the love birds fighting?" Clay asked in the door way all greasy and sweaty.

I glared at him, telling him to leave. Luckily he got the hint.

"Okay, Okay" he said standing up straight his hands up in defense. "I'm leaving" he whispered as he past us walking towards the front door, probably to go out to the porch.

When he heard the screen door slam shut, Tom walked toward me and rest his palm on my cheek, caressing it softly. "I love you Cas, with all of my heart...and I just can't imagine that face, your beautiful face kills me every time I close my eyes"

I could feel my eyes cloud with tears as I crocked "I wish you didn't feel that way". I leaned into his hand loving the warmth.

He smiled a little and ran his fingers through my hair softly. "Well I do, and I just need some time to get over stop trying to force it"

I nodded my head closing my eyes. I'd give him all the time in the world.

The Day We Met Was The Day I Fell For You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now