Chapter Sixty Two

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[Author's Note]- Dedication above because she made me this lovely cover.

Chapter Sixty Two- Dealing, Settling, Accepting

The summer breeze danced through my hair. I had welcomed the heat after the bitter cold winter, nearly smiling at the feel of wind rushing, through the car window, against the side of my face.

I turned smoothly on the gravel road and through the familiar lane that had a forest encasing its beauty. Slowly swiveling around the far tree on the right; I found the old light blue splattered house. With numbly putting the car in park, I climbed out.

Hearing the cracking ground, as my feet swiftly brushed against it, walking up the porch. I sighed, dreading what was going to happen; what had happened, as I opened the screen door receiving a defining erk from its hinges.

Tom had come home to the four of us tangled in a very intense game of twister. He nearly scared Dan shitless as he poked him in his side causing Dan to squeal and make us all tumble to the ground.

I was glad to have Tom home, not exactly noticing how much that I had actually missed him until I felt his skin against mine.

Nothing over the next week had been exciting though. I never did find out where Tom had gone, or why he had gone there, but soon let the subject drop since he seemed to be happy to be by my side, therefore it didn't matter anymore. Emma and Rupert parted from the house and hadn't returned since. Now that a normal routine was starting to occur, I began cleaning, reading, watching the news, grocery shopping, really anything that kept my mind off of things. That is why I had gone out for a run.

It felt incredible running around the local park after not being in my jogging shoes for months. This seemed to give me exactly what I needed, freedom. I felt free to breathe without having to wonder if the phone would ring and I would receive the call I had been waiting for. Anxiousness evaporated from my body as sweat poured down the side of my face, this causing my feet to pump faster against the earth than they would have usually, my self conscious mind loving the relaxed tension.

The numbness returned as I realized I had run for over an hour and a half. Walking slowly back to the house I felt gross, only wanting to take a shower, eat something, and sleep.

I opened the unlocked front door and closed it behind me, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

Relishing in the refreshing water, I didn't hear when both Tom and Dan walked into the room. I turned around smiling, still joyful after my hour and a half to myself. Though I could still see their sorrow filled expressions through the dark kitchen that was only lit by the setting sun through the windows.

"What happened?" I asked after a moment, already having a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I didn't need to ask this question to prove that my thoughts were correct.

Tom looked down, shifting from side to side rubbing the back of his neck before he finally met my gaze. "Clayton Called"...

"I'll go with you" Tom said as I began to pack a bag for home.

I smiled at him. He was so lost on what to do right now. You could see it in the way he was around me, he tensed up and kept a look of sympathy in his eyes as if trying to comfort me yet not knowing how to do so.

I shook my head "I really appreciate that, but I want to do this without you..." I sighed walking back into our closet. "It's going to be a small ceremony anyway"

He stared out the window for a moment, debating whether or not to say something. I frowned at his unusual action but continued rummaging through one of the wooden desk drawers in search for my phone charger.

The Day We Met Was The Day I Fell For You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now