Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven- Break In

I kept reminding myself that I had stayed strong. I hadn't made a big fuss after that, like a selfish brat, instead I acted as if I was happy for them, emphasis on the act part; I think Tom saw through me, but I don't know. Main point is I watched them go pretending to be happy...

As of now though I sit here on the couch in front of the television all day with Timber lying next to me. Tom called me every day. He always sounded happy, even though he had told me that he hated this process of interviews, I could tell he secretly loved them and I felt guilty that I had even thought of making him feel guilty about this.

"-So what have you done today?" Tom asked me.

"I finished the ice cream" I said innocently.

He sighed "Not very productive"

"I have nothing to do"

He sighed again "Well try and do something I've got to go...interview time!" he sang.

I laughed "I know I'm watching it"


"Uh huh try not to make a fool out of yourself kay?"

"Your cruel, you know that?"

"Yep now go I'll talk to you later"

I watched the rest of the commercials dazedly, until the host guy (I don't watch much late time TV) called Tom out onto the stage. He looked breath taking in the dark jeans and light blue button up shirt that was rolled up to his elbows, smiling with his perfect teeth. I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face.

The audience settled down, and they finished the greeting, and began with the questions.

"So let's talk about your character Draco. He gets even darker in this film correct?" the host asked leaning forward intently.

"Yes, you defiantly get to see a different side of Draco, kind of get to see why he is the way he is" Tom smiled.

The host nodded his head "Filming this one, is it different from the others?"

Tom laughed "Yeah everyone has pretty much grown up, you know were not those little eleven year olds anymore. And especially this time it was different for me because I got to be in the process more, but then it's the same as well"

"Does the cast ever get together when you're not filming or is it just like an on set thing?"

"Well we all live pretty close together, I mean Dan and I share a house"

"So you have a lot of parties then?" The host cut Tom off.

"I wouldn't say a lot, but yes there is the occasional party" Tom smiled as the audience was shouting in excitement.

The host laughed. "Okay well we have some questions from our studio audience" He motioned the camera to a girl who stood in the middle of the aisle. She was a brunette and smiling fondly at Tom.

"Has being famous affected your normal life?" the girl asked a little embarrassed.

The camera flashed back to Tom who had his mouth open, thinking "Uh yes and no" he laughed at himself "I try to keep my life normal, but it can be hard to go out in the public sometimes" he shrugged, smiling crookedly.

The camera again flashed to the audience and now there was a blonde girl in the middle of the isle smiling confidently.

"Well I was wondering if you have a girlfriend?" she asked.

I jumped off the couch making Timber growl. "Hush!!!!" I shouted leaning in intently to hear his answer.

He looked shocked and confused on what to do, but then sighed shaking his head "No I don't"

The Day We Met Was The Day I Fell For You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now