Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two- After Party

"Cassie this is Josh Herdman" Tom introduced.

"Hi" he said holding out his hand for me to shake.

I hesitantly did "Hi" Josh played Goyle.

"I've heard a lot about you" He said smiling at me.

I scolded "Seems that everyone has heard of me now a days"

Josh laughed "Apparently they have"

"Cassie!" I heard a girl squeak above the loud music that was playing.

I turned around to see Emma rushing over to my side.

"I'm going to steal her away from you boys" Em said breathing heavily, taking my arm.

Tom took my other one "She's my girlfriend" he hissed at her.

She jerked me towards her "She's my best friend!"

Tom jerked me again.

"Okay both of you stop, if you keep acting like this you will rip me limp from limp!" I shouted at them, they both let me go.

"Thank you" I sighed "I'm going to go with Em, I'll catch up with you later"

Tom sighed and nodded his head in some way approvingly.

Emma made sure I was walking with her before turning around and weaving us through the crowd.

She stopped near the bar.

"Now what's the problem?" I asked her.

"Problem? Oh I just wanted to get away from my date"

I laughed "Who's your date?"

"My brother" she answered ordering a drink in the process.

"You brought you brother?" I giggled.

"I'm being a nice sister" she stuck her tongue out at me "Anyway how did you like the movie?"

"It was awesome! Everybody was amazing, only thing is when the death eaters take over the castle, that could have been better"

She laughed "I agree"

"Cassiebear there you are you silly girl" Dan shouted standing in front of me with a girl I could only assume was Hayley.

She was a brunette, beautiful of course, and she wore a cute purple dress.

"Dan" I greeted. You could tell he was a little tipsy.

"Oh this is Hayley! Hayley meet Cassie Tom's girl friend"

"Oh hi nice to meet you" Hayley said sweetly.

"Hi nice to meet you too" I smiled.

"Oh Cassie you have to meet Rob!" Dan shouted while starting to drag me through the crowd.

"Dan I don't really-" I stopped speaking as Dan pushed me so that I was face to face with Robert Pattinson. Well not really face to face, more like chest to face since he was so much taller than me

"Why hello there" He smiled at me.

"Hi" I waved like a bloody idiot.

"Rob this is Cassie-" Dan started but was cut off by Rob.

"Hello Cassie"

"Tom's girl friend" Dan finished.

"Oh" Rob said a little shocked, but then smiled "it's nice to meet you"

"You too" I smiled.

Then someone grabbed my arm which I looked up and realized was Tom "There you are, I found Emma and she said she didn't know where you were....I think she has had one too many drinks" he was agitated. Then he looked up.

"Oh nice to see you again Rob"

They shook hands. "Nice to see you too, Dan just introduced me to your beautiful girlfriend"

I blushed.

So about meeting thirty people and a long car ride home later, I was tired, but the kind of tired when you're extremely slap happy.

I was practically bouncing off the walls as I dragged Tom into the house.

He laughed, the little bit of alcohol in his system getting to him, as he crashed his lips on mine.

The kiss got only more passionate and intense as he slammed my back into the wall. I tangled my fingers in his blonde hair as he pulled himself closer to me. Electricity flowing through us. With every touch there was a spark. Our bodies fit perfectly together, our lips moving in synchronization, as if we were made for each other.

He pushed his tongue in my mouth, quickly taking dominance as he ran his hands greedily down my waist to the top of my thighs where he stopped and started pulling up the ends of the dress.

I broke the kiss, trying to hint that this was going too far. He just started kissing my neck though, continuing to pull the dress up so that it was resting on my hips.

"Tom" I gasped breath trying to push him away. He just held me tighter to him lightly biting my neck. "Tom..." I said again and pushed him more fiercely.

He backed up a few steps. His eyes were looking directly at me as he slowly re-approached.

I looked down "I...I just can't...not yet..."

I could feel his hot breath on my face as he pressed his forehead to mine lightly. "I know, I'm sorry I just lost control" he sweetly kissed my lips lingering there.

My phone started ringing from the kitchen.

"I should probably answer that" I whispered, he nodded and released me.

I walked into the kitchen him following me. I looked at the i.d. to see that it was Carson, my younger brother.

I quickly answered it, thinking that something might have gone wrong with Dad.

"Carson?" I asked starting to feel a panic attack coming on.

"Ooohhh you're in so much trouble Cassie" he taunted.

The Day We Met Was The Day I Fell For You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now