Chapter Forty Six

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Chapter Forty Six- Hate is a strong word

Two days later I couldn't even remember what happened on my birthday. Hangovers are not fun.

"So how was your Birthday?" Carson asked. We were video chatting.

I shrugged my shoulders "It was okay. Oh! Guess what I got!"

"What?!" He asked excited

"I got Hermione's actual time turner!" I stated smugly leaning back into the chair at Tom's desk. He was out walking Timber.

"No freaking way" Carson gaped

"Yes Emma found it, but Rupert and Dan gave it to me"

"I hate you. Your friends with the best people in the world"

"I know" I smiled tauntingly at him. "How's the family?" I asked

"Um okay...Clayton is well Clay... and Dad is Dad. You won't be getting any birthday money in the mail, he gets mad at us when we talk about you. You really pissed him off."

"Well he pissed me off, and I don't want his money anyway"

"How are you paying for everything?" Carson half laughed

"I'm actually not paying for anything, Tom is" I stated.

Carson scoffed "You're leaning on him too much Cas"

"I am not!"

"Your whole world is revolved around him"

"It is not!" I argued

"Tell me one thing that you have done lately that hasn't involved him or his friends...that's outside his house"

I was about to say something, but nothing came out. Had it really been that long?

"Exactly Cas, just be careful."

"I am careful"

"Uh oh gotta go" he said standing up leaning more into the camera "Dad's coming, love you bye"

And the image went blank.

I slowly closed my laptop. When was the last time I had been out of this house without anything that dealt with Tom?

I gave up thinking about it after awhile. I came up with nothing so I just let it go.

I leaned back into the chair and put my feet up on the desk, holding the precious time turner in my hands, marveling at it.

I sighed setting it down, and walked down stairs to get some water. Even though I said I stopped thinking about it, I couldn't. It was gnawing on my insides.

My phone started ringing the tone of 'Don't stop believing', I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyo- Don't stop Believing? That's...That's Taylor's ring tone.

I tripped up the stairs as I rushed to get my phone that was resting on the bed.

"Hello?" I asked shocked.

"Cassie?" I heard Taylor's voice ask

"Oh Tay I've missed you so much! You and Danny, but you wouldn't answer my calls or anything-"

"Cassie listen to us" Danny's voice rang through the phone, strong and violent "We can't deal with you anymore."

" with me?" My heart broke.

"Yes you are too involved with him, and we are sick of you trying to call us...if you hadn't noticed were not talking to you after everything you've done to us! Some best friend you were!" Danny said getting louder and louder.

The Day We Met Was The Day I Fell For You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now